The date

410 6 1

J- Joey
K- kaylee
It was the next day and you wake up from a call from kaylee
K- hey are you up
Y/n- well I am now
K- sorry I wanted to know if I can sleep over for the weekend
Y/n- ya what time will you be coming and why
K- at 3:00 and because chandler had to hi see his family
Y/n- oh ok car at 3:00 I'll have the gets room ready
K- has nova cone back yet
Y/n-no she is out there for10 more days
K- oh ok see you at 3:00 bye
Y/n-ok bye
You then wake up Joey to but he just raps his arms around you . You then kiss him and say that kaylee is coming over and we need to get up it was 1:00 you had 2 hours to clean . You let Joey sleep and you cleaned then it was 2:55 it was kaylee she came early you sowed her to her room and she still was tired so she feel a sleep it was 3:45 you haven't ate you went to go look for some thing and fell something grab your waist and kiss your neck it was Joey
Skip to the night
Kaylee was still in the room she was in the shower you trek her that you and Joey are going on a date .you gat ready and put on ⬇️⬇️

Then you and Joey go to six flags and kaylee was at home talking to chandler on FaceTime

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Then you and Joey go to six flags and kaylee was at home talking to chandler on FaceTime .
Skip Six flags
You and Joey go and get something to eat you called kaylee but she was sleeping . You went to get tacos then
J- I realized that I never really asked you out
Y/n-oh ya well....
J- will you go out with me then
Y/n-yes baby of course
Now you and Joey are dating you go home and get a call from your sister she says she will be home in 9 days and to be safe . You and Joey both fall asleep with is arms a round up your hugging him tight .....

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