He's my "Beta" half. (Prolouge)

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Mikayla's POV

"Dad I'm home!" I yelled as I walked into the house from a long run around our property to make sure there were no strays crossing our border lines.

"I'm in my office sweetheart" he replied.

I made my way to his office grabbing a piece of fruit out of the fruit bowl. I walked straight the office door without knocking. His office was like any other office, boring. He only had brown furniture and brown curtains. Even the walls were a shade of brown.

"Never once do you knock" my dad laughed at me as I jumped onto the brown leather couch that he had in his office.

I shrugged "I never saw the point in knocking on a door that is already opened so dad what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked taking a bite of my apple

"Well since you are now the alpha of the Frost pack there is something I must inform you of" he said becoming instantly serious. "You remember Alpha Maise from the pack two towns over?"

I nodded my response.

"His son is also taking over the pack but their school is too small and needs reconstructing and so does their whol-"

"Dad, cut to the chase and tell me what does this has to do with me" I told him gettting impatient.

"Until they rebuild their school they will going to school here because we are the closest werewolf school and our town's school is the biggest."

"Okay, will they be moving closer to make the transport easier?" I asked.

"Actually, we already started to build them a house on our land big enough for the alpha, his family and his son's friends and their family a few months ago"

"And why am I just now finding out about this!" I yelled angrily.

"It didn't seem important at the time since we were also having trouble with rougues" he said not looking me in the eye.

I growled at his lie. "I still should have been informed whether it was important or not I am alpha of this pack now and I deserve to know what is going on in MY pack, understand?" I shouted my voice oozing with authority.

"Yes alpha" he said softly

"Good now when will their house be finished and when will they arrive so I can inform the protectors and enforcers?"

"The house will be finished in two days and that's also when they will arrive. Just in time to get settled for school the week after. Also there are nine of them moving in the house" he answered.

I nodded then walked out still pissed that I was not informed of this. They act like because I am a female alpha that they can walk all over me. News Flash I'm not stupid!

I walked outside I needed to go for a run to blow of steam. I stripped out of my clothes behind a bush and transformed into my light blond wolf and ran until I got tired. I stopped running and walked until I found an opening where they were building the house for the other pack it looked nice on the outside they had a pool and a jacuzzi in the back of the house. I would check out the inside tomorrow in the morning I told my self. I made my way back to the bush where my clothes were and changed back into my human and put my clothes on instead of going back to my house I went to my beta, Karmen's house. I knocked and waited.

"Come in, it's unlocked!" someone yelled inside.

I walked in and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hey Mickey I thought that was you" Mrs. Jones smiled.

He's my "Beta" half.Where stories live. Discover now