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UM 400 VIEWS?! OMG?! TYSM??!!


Upon the splitting headache of a short-lived attempted all nighter, the feeling and sense of morning poured into your window with a glorified, and comforting warmth. You felt yourself shuffle under the white bedspread and heard an involuntary groan escape your mouth as you tried to roll away from the sun beams that had awoken you in the first place. Good thing there wasn't the-

Alarm clock be dammed, was the one thought that rushed into your head as you slammed your hand down viciously on the snooze button with the speed of an intoxicated sloth. Mornings-well more like afternoons-were definitely not your thing after the hours of editing you had to go through the night before. You loved your job, but it sometimes got to the point where you began to ponder how much it would cost for an in-home maid.
"Well," Said a voice sounding a bit afar but steadily coming closer. "Looks like LA's Sleeping Beauty has awoken, and you didn't even have to get a premiere."

A soft 'thud' brought you quickly to realization that someone had spoken and you weren't sleeping anymore. The slight sink of the mattress could've told you that, but when you were tired, you were tired. You took a sharp inhale threw your nose, and turned your gaze upon the foot of your bed where a certain somebody had claimed and was looking at you with a smirk of amusement.
"Evan?" You slightly asked before it all suddenly came back. You never did get to bed yourself, someone had carried you there. You began to recall the warmth that you had set your head against while being lifted, and the weightless feeling of being carried; you even remembered the scent of cologne he had on-which actually sounded a bit creepy when you ran the thought in your head.
Evan let out a light, almost soundless chuckle and tapped one of your ankles that was buried under the covers next to him. "Who else? You fell asleep at your computer last night; it was a funny sight." He laughed. Your eyes narrowed sarcastically and you sat up on your elbows, glaring at your roommate. "Thanks for the info, Ev, I would've never established it myself." You said in a jokingly, but tired manor. Evan snorted and rolled his eyes before leaping off the bed and stuffing his hands in the pockets of his basketball shorts. 

"Save your sarcasm for the judge," He laughed. "Whenever you want to haul yourself out of that bed, breakfast is ready." Your eyebrows rose so high that they almost got lost in your hairline, which made you slowly begin to realize that your hair was ragged from sleeping. "Did the famous Evan Fong actually cook this morning?" You asked with faked suspicion, already knowing his response.
"I cooked up the phone number from Google for a take out, but I don't think that's what you meant." He said, and you both laughed.

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