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  I don't know how long we sat there listening to the music but before I knew it the moon was rising at a steady pace. I would guess it was between eleven and midnight by now. I thought I heard a sound as if something was flying through the air. I abruptly pushed Jake and fell with him on the ground but when we hit the ground an arrow was sticking out of his arm. I grabbed his good arm and we ran quickly inside the arches where it was safe. Another arrow followed the one that hit Jake but it hit the charmed arch and fell to the ground. We sat on a bench just inside the arch and I looked at his arm. Everything was quiet, people ran back to their rooms or followed friends out of the ballroom quickly. The only people that remained was my mom and uncle, along with me and Jake. I muttered, "this might hurt a little." Then I quickly pulled the arrow out of his arm. He cringed slightly but didn't make a sound. Blood ran down his arm. I touched his arm softly with my hand where the wound was. I paused and muttered under my breath so he wouldn't hear, "poison...." Without showing any sign of it I transferred the poison from him into myself, believing my magic would keep me safe, knowing he would not have been able to stand it. I then healed the wound so all that was left was a scar. I looked to the trees and used a spell making the first mile of trees vanish abruptly leaving anything in them uncovered. The moon's light showed about one hundred warriors, either armed with a blade of some sort or a bow and arrows. A man whom I assumed was the leader started walking toward the castle, he held a bow. I could not see his face in the light. The closer he came the more I could see of his face. My mom and uncle had moved across the ballroom and stood beside me. The man kept walking and walked right into the ballroom, meaning he had some connection to a magical bloodline or was magic himself. I immediately moved my hand up and wrapped vines around him. "If you made it through the barrier, how are you related to a magic bloodline? Whose bloodline are you attached to?" My mother stepped closer to him and said, "Mine." My eyes widened and I looked at my mother. "Mom, what do you mean?" "Mom?" The man said questioningly. "Wait, this is your mother?" He asked me. I looked at him but paid no attention, "What do you mean 'mine' ?" I asked her again. "Samantha," she paused, looking at the man. "This is your father, James." I looked back to the man. You'd think i'd feel happy or excited that i'd see my father. No, I felt rage and anger boil inside me. I walked right up to him, not even a foot away. "You have no right to be here." I snarled. "Why have you come?" I asked. "I came to get revenge." He said simply. "Revenge?" I said questioningly. He turned his attention to my mother. "You once made a promise. That once you were head of the council you would let us be together." My mom looked like she was going to cry. "But when you became the leader," he continued. "You did nothing." His voice held anger, he was blaming my mother. "I went there that night to meet you." Mom said. "But you weren't there, I waited and waited and you never came." I looked back to my father. "I went off to train, the chief said I needed to if I wanted to become a warrior." He said. My mom walked towards him but I made no move to drop the vines. "Let him go." Mom said. "No!" I replied. "Let him go." She said again this time it was more a command. "He carries poisoned arrows." I said. I glanced at Jake who looked down at his arm, then up at me. "How did you know that?" He asked me. I looked to my father, thinking of how to reply. I didn't have time though, my legs buckled under me, causing me to fall to the floor. I looked at my arm and my skin had started going black and was going up my arm. The vines around my father crumbled and he stumbled, then he ran over immediately. "You weren't hit with an arrow. This shouldn't be happening." He said the words in a rush of panic. My mother and uncle both ran over as well and Jake followed close behind. "I took the poison out of Jake's wound so I could heal him." I said breathing a bit hard. "I thought my magic would help to keep the poison controlled, I guess I was wrong." I said. My eyes drooped and I lost consciousness.

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