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Yes, welcome. Welcome to a new beginning. A new beginning of a new life.

Sure, this world will still have problems and struggles, but together we can make this world a better place. I'm only one person, but one person can make a difference, right?

Now, I may not be popular or be everyone's friend, but I don't care. I will be happy if one person glances at a few words and uses them to make their lives better.

Before we begin this book, for those who do not know what this even means, I have definitions.

1. fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

1. provide (someone) with a motive for doing something.
2. stimulate (someone's) interest in or enthusiasm for doing something.

This is what you will find in this book. These words on the electronic pages before your eyes are hopefully going to inspire and motivate you.

And whether or not anyone reads this...it will bring me happiness to know I tried to be one to change this world in darkest times.

Please if you do read this, spread the word. I believe there are plenty of people who need to hear these words coming up in the next chapters. They may change their life. Forever.

Thank you and I hope I can be of great help to you.

Love ya,

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