Take Those Labels Off

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There are always those labels people put on us. Fat, Ugly, Worthless, Nobody are just a few. But they aren't truly what we are. We are what we make our minds to me.

People can call us whatever they please, but they only will be true if you let them. If you don't believe in those labels, then they do not matter. They are worthless.

And it's hard to not call yourself those things and believe them. And no one can stop it alone.

We, as the residents of this world, need to help people peel those labels off of them. By saying a few simple words like "You really look nice today" or "You should come sit with us at lunch", you can really make a difference without even knowing it. These are the things that help people feel like they are important and helps break away what other people have said to them (AKA the labels).

Words can't be unsaid and some people may still have those labels on them, but it is possible for them to peel off. Slowly but surely it can happen.

It is possible. Nothing is impossible. You just gave to put it in your mind.

So, let's help one another to peel the labels people put on them off.

Challenge: Say at least one kind thing to one person today or this week, whether it is said in person or on social media/texting.


One nice thing can change a person's life forever

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One nice thing can change a person's life forever. Be that person.

If you ever need any help or anything else, feel free to PM me. Continue to read this book to find ways to both help others and inspire/motivate you in times of distress. Spread the word about this book, so we all together can make a difference. Thank you.
Love ya,

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