---------------------peashooter:im i still here?sorry...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------black bid says its a a A PIG BOT!
king pig said:now i will destroy you and eat the eggs!you have no change of deafeting me!
red bird said come on guys get the slnigshots!,when the slingshots were here they kept firing and firiging ill cpunt how much times they fired!123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15-----------------------------------------------------198 199 200 201 202-------------------------------------474 475 476 477 478 479-----------------------------------------------1638 1639 1640---1642 an dthen smoke was coming out!
king pig said:ahg!hath health..attack!1643----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------7294 and then it was exldong!
king pig said:ahg little ehalth left!then black bird sling shooted himself and then it was over....after all the fighting and new birds and tricks.....................king pig........was deafeted
back at the nest the angry birds was having a party lighting bird was there too!
well thats it!now tis time to say the end.......
knig pig said:oh oh its not over yet..you havent seen the last of the pig bot.....>:D
Angry Birds
Adventurethe angry birds go through the most dangerest thing ever pig asland all piggys fightingbirds king pig got the eggs who will win the angry birds or king pig?