Chapter 14

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The movie ended just after lunch right when Tobias came into the room. I hadn't moved since breakfast so i was still in my P.J.'s. He laughed at me and walked over, sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Where do you wanna go tonight?" Tobias asked putting a hand on my leg. I shrugged not really sure. "Are you okay?"

"You acted so different earlier," i whispered. "What was that? It was like you were someone completely different."

"That-" he laughed a little. "That was who i have to be when I'm in the court room, when I'm with my parents, when I'm in front of my people. It's not who i am."

"Why act so differently then? Why act like you were in the court room when you were in my bed room talking to me."

"Because Ray was here, because i don't want her to think she's lost already." I shook my head and pulled my knees to my chest. "Oh E.J. please don't get mad."

"I'm not mad, just trying to understand." Tobias nodded silently, watching me.

"Do you want to go somewhere or stay here?"

I took a deep breath calming myself. "Get out of here," i laughed.  "Not used to the castle yet still very intimidating."

"Where do you want to go?" I shrugged and stood up moving for the closet. I shut the doors and changed into a pair of high waisted shorts and a t shirt with a long sweater. I let my hair hang loose. I brushed my teeth and put on some deodorant and perfume.

"You're dressed and ready to go, but we have no where to go," Tobias laughed.

"How does this whole teleporting thing work?" i asked thinking back to my childhood home. I really did love that place.

"I think of a place and then we go," Tobias said as though it were the simplest thing in the world. "What are you thinking?"

"Can i think of a place?" Tobias nodded and held out a hand. I took it and pulled myself to him hugging him tightly. I pictured the house, the four stories white house with huge bay windows and columns along the side. The driveway lined with bushes which led to a cherry red door.

I pulled away as the wind died down and looked around. It was just as i remembered it, maybe a little bit smaller now but still the same.

"Emilia," a voice gasped behind us and i spun around on my toes. A woman was standing there, the same black hair as mine streaked with gray and green eyes filled with wonder. She was wearing a dirty apron with a pair of dirty jeans and t shirt.

"Mom," the words fell out of my mouth like a stone. It hung in the air like a cloud and i watched Tobias look between the two of us and run his hands through his hair, realizing where we had came. 

From Thief to Princess (Book One in the Lorem Hodie series)Where stories live. Discover now