part two

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When you were a child, you read about 'Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day'. Well today had been one of those fucking days. You could feel the anger boiling up inside you.

This morning, when you were getting ready,  you dropped your $42 foundation on the ground and watched your money gentle stain the floor. Then as you went to leave the garage of your apartment building, you backed up too close to a pole and took off your side mirror. The barista at your coffee shop didn't give you soy milk as you requested and being a lactose intolerant bitch, that didn't help the day go along.
Then finally, you had gotten home and decided to go out for a jog to relieve the anger you were feeling. Only, God decided that you weren't going to get to have a nice jog. No, no, your shoe was going to actually fall apart mid-stride causing you to sail onto the concrete. You sat there, on the ground, for about 5 minutes trying to compose yourself but you were just really finished. You get up and with every step where your freshly exposed foot felt the hot concrete you grew closer and closer to erupting.

* beep! beep! beep! beep!*

You don't recall how, but somehow you ended up taking out your anger by beating the shit out of a nearby 2014 Buick Encore. You realize what you're doing, you realize you should stop, but you can't. That is until you hear the alarm stop and someone clearing their throat from behind you.

"Hi, uhm, why are you kicking my car?" You hear a very soft voice ask. You're almost too scared to turn around, quickly realizing how crazy you must appear.

You slowly turn with the upmost confidence ready to explain yourself but then you are met with the most incredible pair of blue eyes you had ever seen. You suddenly were unable to find words to explain why you were being a psychopath. So instead of the well thought out explanation you had in your head, what came out was, "well, the money stained my floor, the pole broke my mirror, milk makes my stomach catch on fire and my foot doesn't like the concrete," you rush out.

The boy stares at you with the most confusion you've ever seen expressed in another persons face.

You let out a deep exhale and fiddle with your fingers, "look, I'm sorry, I'm having a horrible day and just lost my cool there for a brief moment. I'll pay for any damages I may have inflicted upon your car." You look back up to see him smiling at you, now you're the one wearing the confused expression.

He chuckles and just says, "don't worry about it. I have bad days too, I mean... I don't take my frustration out on cars, but we all deal in our own ways I guess." He said, laughing again.

You stare at him, probably looking like you'd just witnessed God himself descending from the heavens and personally blessing you.

Before you had a chance to speak the stranger extended his hand  out to you, "I'm corey," he said softly.

You shake his hand instantly noticing how soft and gentle it is. "Hi, I'm a crazy bitch," you said with a slight smile, laughing at the situation.

This earned a loud laugh from Corey, "nice to meet you, crazy bitch. How about I buy you a coffee?" He offered.

Yet again, you found yourself staring at him in dismay. "I think I'd like that," you reply. Corey places his hand on the small of your back and leads you to the coffee shop around the corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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