Chapter 11

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Soon after I noticed a girl holding a sign that said “Niall you’re mine.” With red paper and black letters, there was also hearts around it.

Niall’s POV

I noticed that she was looking at something. I followed her gaze and recognized the poster. “Niall you’re mine”… With hearts… I’ve seen many posters but not this detailed. I started to gaze back down and I met poster girl’s eyes.  She could tell I was looking at her. I drew my eyes away and looked at Payton. Oh, how beautiful. I’ve met a lot of girls but not as gorgeous as her. I loved her icy blue-grey eyes, and her long straight brown hair, and that smile, ohh that smile. Her lips, the perfect shade of peach, the creases in her lips, the dimples complimented her in a way I’ve never seen before. She was my dream girl and she would be mine. A smile grew on my face.

“Niall, Niall, Hello?” I heard Zayn say.

“Uh, what?” I asked.

“We’re you daydreaming?” Zayn asked.

“OOOOOOOOOOO, Niall was daydreaming.” Harry said before I could answer.

Payton’s POV

Niall had yet again drifted off.

“So what, or better yet who were you thinking about?” Zayn asked.

“Oh nothing.” Niall added.

“Whatever, you were staring and smiling at a girl in that section.” Zayn said while pointing to out row.

My eyes got huge. It seemed as though everyone was looking at me.

“What?” I asked.

Everyone was speechless.

Right then, everyone started fangirling in our section, but I, I was shocked.

Does Niall, no let me rephrase that Does the Niall James Horan, like me. No he couldn’t, of course not. I told myself. I’m 2 years younger than him.

The boys had a water break. Niall walked of the stage with a blank expression on him face

When they came back they sang Truly, Madly, Deeply.

Truly, Madly, Deeply I am, foolishly, completely fallen, but somehow you caved all my walls in. So baby say you’ll always keep me, Truly, Madly, Crazy, Deeply in love, with you, in love with you.

It was sung so perfect. The music flowed together in unison. Even though it was live it was still beautiful.

The boys went back offstage and got another drink of water.

“Hey Payton?”

“Yes Mollie.”

“Louis texted me and said Niall wants you’re number.”

I was freaking out inside my head. I came here to come to a one direction concert little did I know that Niall would be wanting MY number. It couldn’t get any better.

“Should I give it to him or not.”

“Sure, why not.” I said reassuringly. While freaking out still.

Within a minute I got a new text.


From Unknown Number:

Hey, It’s Niall Mollie gave Louis your number.

This is Payton right???



To Niall <3:

Hey, Yea it’s Payton.

~Payton Xx


How could I Payton Lee Concord be texting Niall James Horan. It seemed like it was a fairy-tail.

The boys came back on the stage for the last time, no more breaks. They sung Best Song Ever.

They then announced that the last song they would be singing is Story of my life. The crowd went wild.

Out of now where a big loud big came out and everyone instantly shut up.

“EVERYONE LOOK HERE!” someone stood up in the back and demanded.


A/N Sorry its so short and I am VERY sorry for the slow update. Lots of problems. I promise I'll update soon. I wanted to leave you on a cliff-hanger. Hope you like.

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