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            I shifted my crossed legs from the left to the right as I sat to the left of my father, the king. Yes, I am a princess and I hate every second of it. Don’t get me wrong when I say this, I do love my people, but the constant criticism is old. I absolutely despise my lessons to become queen and lady-like. I don’t think I have ever bent over completely due to the corset I am forced to wear at all times besides bedtime. It’s tiring and it all leads up to marriage, an arranged marriage at that.

            I watched the skirt of the dress move vaguely as I clasped my hands together on my lap. This was so boring sometimes, just sitting around while father and mother sign papers and discuss political matters. A knocking sound erupted from the other side of the oak doors. I looked to mother and father to see if they were expecting company. They both had similes pronate on their faces. I took that as a yes.

            “Come in!” My fathers’ voice boomed over all other sounds that may have existed in that room. The olive doors opened widely revealing Sir Richard, my fathers’ right hand man, and another man my age maybe a little younger. I quickly recognized him as Prince Laurence of Santa Clara, a neighboring country and a huge ally. Father and mother stood quickly and I followed the action.

            “King Oscar, Queen Isabella, and Princess Maria it is to my pleasure for you to be introduced to Prince Laurence of Santa Clara.” Sir Richards bowed before turning on his toes and walking out in a rapid manner. Father bowed to the prince as mother and I curtsied. The Prince bowed to the floor almost.

            “This is my wife to be?” Laurence questioned. Father simply nodded and smiled. I felt my eyes bug out of my head and my jaw dropped. I coughed once to signal that I was still there and more than confused. “Oh Princess I could not forget you!” He smiled the fakest smile and walked over to me with a stride. Grabbing my and kissing my knuckles the Prince seemed almost happy, though I knew he was miserable.

             “Yes of course Prince Laurence, but I’m a tad bit lost. Did you say ‘wife to be’?” Shock that I didn’t know about this was evident on his face. Apparently he was too shocked to even talk because the only response was a nod. “Father you’re marrying me off already?” He only nodded as well. Leave it to the men to be the silent ones. “YOU PROMISED ME THIS WOULDN’T HAPPEN UNTIL I TURNED 18!” I screeched making the queen and king flinch. Serves them right, I shouldn’t be getting married for two years.

            “Maria I am your father therefore you will do as I say. You will be wed to Prince Laurence in one month time as his brother has taken throne already. Understood?” I simply nodded. I didn’t dare look in his eyes, he was sickening me. “Good, you and the Prince are due for a walk through the gardens in 20 minutes. Now leave so your mother and I can finish.”

            I didn’t even answer, I just gathered my thick skirts and waited for the Prince to follow. A walk actually didn’t sound bad right now. Sadly it was blazing hot out and I was wearing a petticoat and very thick layered skirts down to the floor. Sighing I released my gown to shut the doors behind us. My shoulders sat pulled back as I gracefully wandered down the halls with Laurence hot on my tail.

            “Princess Maria I am so sorry you found out this way. I hadn’t a clue you didn’t know.” I turned around to see him with a guilty look on his face. At least he was a gentleman. It didn’t matter though I would still have to wed someone I didn’t love at 16.

            “Don’t worry about it, you didn’t know. I was to find out later I suppose. I’m sorry you had to see me yell, it wasn’t cordial. By the way you don’t need to call me by my title. Maria is just fine.” I laughed a little. Just because I’m a princess doesn’t mean I can’t be down to earth does it? The smile I got from him told me I was believable. To be honest I was enraged, not directly at him though.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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