Driving Off This Cliff Together *Destiel*

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The reaper lied in a heap on the floor and I had then turned to see Cas. He was sprawled out in the arm chair unconscious. Cuts up and down his torso, hands bound. In that moment, I had no clarity. No sanity. My only thoughts were intertwining and overlapping.  I have to get to Cas. I started towards him.

"Cas," I say quietly, my voice was husky and shaky. "Cas," It was a little louder this time as I was trying to get his attention. "Cas." I cupped his face, tilting his head up because I knew in that position, he would complain about a neck cramp later.  I shook it slightly, but he wasn't waking up. "Cas!" I balled in his direction.

He needed to open his eyes, to see me. He needed to be here. I kept my hands on his face to support his head until he'd wake up and do it himself. I watched his still form and suddenly realized, he was gone. "No," I muttered, my hands dropped from his face and his head slumped over again.

I took a step back and the tears built up uncontrollably. I was keeping them in as well as I was standing, just barely. Cas. Dead? No. No, no, no. He's not dead. He's just unconscious. Tired. Exhausted. Not dead. He can't be. Not after all this. Not after everything that we have been threw.

He's my best friend. He's my family. He's my angel.

Shuffling behind me was distracting and I turned slightly despite my state of mind. Sam stood there and stared at him. Cas, that is. I turned away and Cas' deathly still body captured my attention once again. I was disgusted with myself. I should have came sooner. I should have stopped the reaper. I could have if I had tried, but none of that mattered now.

"Sam he's gone." I spat out. I didn't want to say it. I knew once I said it aloud, it was true and I had to believe it.  I had to accept it. I just...I just couldn't. Sam stepped up behind me. Then took another step closer. And another until I watched him kneel down beside Cas.

I didn't get a chance to question it because I knew then that it wasn't Sam. It was Zeke. He lifted his hand over Cas and a blue aura spilled out. I watched in disbelief. Zeke...he was healing Cas. He winced, turning his head away from me and I knew it was taking a toll on him...I just didn't care. The only thing that mattered was Cas. He was healing.

"Come on, come on," I chanted under my breath as Zeke was obviously struggling to continue on with the healing process. Each wound closed slowly but surely until Zeke was staggering backward. He had his back up against the wall, panting exasperated until passing out.

I was concerned about him obviously but as soon as I heard the husky, "Dean", I was whipping around so fast I almost fell. Cas stared up at me, wound free. I bent down to his level and stared into his magnificent blue eyes.

"Hey, yeah," I respond, my heart pounded rapidly against my chest. Cas looked around, mortifyingly shocked while Sam sputtered awake behind me.

"And Sam," He adds gratefully, watching Sam who was breathing heavily and stared in confusion.

"Cas," He said, unsure like it was a dream. I was afraid it was. Afraid that I might wake up and Cas would really be gone. "You're OK." Cas looked around distressed while I straightened up, letting out a sigh of relief before I was washed down with anger.

"Never do that again." I snapped in his direction. He looked back up to me, staring in silence.

"Alright." He replied simply.

I nodded once, the emotions that had over run me; pain, loss, fear, agitation.
They were all gone now with Cas' living, breathing body in front of me. It was replaced with endless relief and a new found faith.

Driving Off This Cliff Together *Destiel*Where stories live. Discover now