Safe for Now (One)

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Dean was smiling over the conversation himself and Sam had just had with Cas about his time with April, the reaper. The one who had killed him. Cas was occupying himself with finding food while Dean chuckled loudly, shaking his head while holding his burrito in hand.

"He gave it up to a reaper," He smirks. "that is-"

"Castiel cannot stay here," He had been cut off by Sam's deeper then usual voice and monotone. He realized then that it wasn't Sam speaking. "he will bring the angels down on all of us." He turned, upset by Zeke's words.

"No, no he has the Enochian tattoo, he's warded," Dean insisted, looking at Zeke who had his back to Dean. As the words left his mouth, Zeke turned very slow while speaking promptly.

"He was warded when April found him...and she killed him," He reminded Dean sharply, staring with the cold eyes of his brother. Dean's mouth opened and closed a few times but he couldn't find words.

"Yes," He finally agrees. "and you brought him back and I thank you for that but this is Cas, OK? Who vouched for you when I didn't know you for jack." Dean replied just as sharp. Zeke was glancing around Dean while he spoke, his gaze fixed on Cas. "The bunker is safe," Zeke glared at Dean.

"Bartholomew is massing a force. We cannot stand an incursion. Castiel is in danger. If he is here, I, am in danger," Zeke says strictly. Dean draws back, looks of question ironed onto his face.

"Wait, you're in danger? From who, the angels?" Dean questioned confused. Zeke stared sadly at Dean before looking around him to watch Castiel. Disregarding the question, he stares intently at the ground.

"If he stays," Zeke starts, continuing not to make eye contact with Dean. "I will have no choice but to leave," Initially, Dean was shocked as he surveyed Zeke then straightened up.

"Oh no you can't do that." He said, not in a threatening tone, more of one that was stating a fact. "Sam's not well enough. If you leave his body,"

"I know." Zeke states plainly. Dean couldn't find words to say to Zeke. They shared a moment of silence that made Dean's heart ache. "I am sorry." Dean shook his head, eyes glistening with tears.

"Zeke, I just lost him. I can't send him out there alone." Dean told Zeke painfully. "Please just-"

"Dean," Zeke stops him. "It's either he goes or I go." Dean looked around, trying to find something to make Zeke stay. Something that would make it seem like the odds were in their favor. Anything. Even if it was small.

"I'll tell you what if you stay," Dean began and Zeke turned away, walking in the opposite direction.

"Dean," he sighed tired of Dean's persistent attitude.

"No Zeke, just listen." Dean says letting his tone rise with agitation. Zeke turns, giving him the benefit of the doubt. "Stay and if the angels come, which they won't, you can eject yourself from Sam's body and flee." Zeke tilts his head with confusion.

"You are putting Sam's life on the line for what?" Zeke asked him skeptically. Dean didn't waste time in his response.

"Family." Dean told him instantly. "Cas is my family. I would do it if Sam was in Cas' place and Cas was in Sam's. They're my best friends." Dean carries on, his eyes polished with tears. "They're all I got."

Zeke stared at Dean and stayed silent as if considering it. Dean stared back but more plead was in his eyes compared to the intensity in his brother's. Zeke sighed deeply and was finally ready to give his answer. Dean anticipated it with faith as Zeke opened his mouth.

"At the first sign of trouble, I will give you the last option. Me or him. We both stay for now." He told Dean who was sighing with relief.

"Zeke I can't thank you enough man." Dean grabs his brother's arm, smiling the best he could.

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