Chapter 12- Are Dreams Real?

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I felt gentle prodding on my side. I hate it when my sleep is interrupted. I just swatted it away. Next it was the pushing. But that doesn’t work either. I simply swatted whoever was pushing me away. Now the shaking. By now, I would’ve said something, but I had a terrible dream last night so I wasn’t feeling it.

            “Angelica,” Gawain bit my ear. “Please wake up before I rape you.” He kissed my right temple. “You know I can’t resist.” Unluckily, because of how tired I was, these words went in one and straight out the other. “Okay, if that’s what you want.” Gawain giggled. He slid his hand under my back, into my shirt, and unhooked my bra. This I felt.

            “Gawain,” I screamed. “You pervert!” I made an ‘x’ with my arms and placed it in front of my breasts.

            “Hey,” Gawain embraced me. “I warned you. Plus, your parents are home, be quiet. They’ll think something weird is happening.” I nodded. “They also came in earlier and saw you sleeping with me. They took a picture and posted it on some website.” Gawain sounded confused, though I couldn’t blame him. The guy was from… wherever he was from.

            “They did what?” I almost yelled. Crap. Crap. Crap. I thought. I logged in on Facebook. And bam! Right on the top of my feed, there was a picture of Gawain and I cuddling in bed. “No!” I yelled like it was the end of the world. Then I heard knocking on the balcony door. “Gawain,” I called, too busy in my own despair to look at what it was. “Can you look at what that was?”  As soon as he opened the door, I heard a familiar buzzing sound. Bees. I’m allergic to bees. I looked in Gawain’s direction. There was a bee hive at the door, bees flying out one by one.

            Worst day ever.

            “Gawain!” I yelled at him. “I’m allergic to bees! Their sting is fatal for me!” I cried, remembering the dream of dying last night. Gawain’s eyes opened widely and his eyes shifted that mysterious black. He closed his hand into a fist and blew onto it. It heated quickly, almost 300 degrees it felt. He opened his fist and blew fire to each of the bees, incinerating them at the touch, but nothing else in the room burned. “Gawain, you suck.”

            “What do you mean I suck? I just saved you. Or do you want me to bring the bees back to life?” Gawain taunted me.

            “What do you mean by ‘bring back to life’?” I asked, my voice faded. Gawain’s smile faded after realizing what he did. “I asked you a question. What do you mean by ‘bring back to life’?”

            “Um,” Gawain laughed sheepishly. “I need to go consult my assistant.” Gawain jumped from the balcony and ran toward Riccardo’s house. Men. Secrets. Life. I hate them all.

            I looked out the balcony door. “Fine!” I yelled. “I’m not letting you in even if you ask nicely!” I growled. “I never liked you anyway!” I slammed the balcony door, locked it, and stuck a chair behind it. Then I stuck my tongue at it. He can go die by himself.

            Well, this is going to be a stupid idea. I unlocked the balcony door and put the chair back where it belongs. I looked at the ground. It didn’t seem that far. I’m only jumping one floor. I could easily jump this. At least I think so. Oh well. This is where that saying ‘YOLO’ comes in. I swung my left leg over the whitewashed fence. Here goes nothing. I used my right leg to propel myself forward.

            Let’s say I heard two cracks. I hope they were both trees. I looked at my ankle which was, in fact, only soaked in blood. The cracks were the branches that cut my leg open. Yay. Time to drag myself to Riccardo’s house. I picked up a sturdy stick on the ground and used it as a cane because my leg freaking hurt. I managed to get to the side walk. Wonderful. Blood stain on the sidewalk. Wonder who’s going to mind that. Oh well. I guess I just had one of those insane moments where people forget that they’re not human.

I got halfway to Riccardo’s when I noticed them walking down the street. I noticed Riccardo’s eyes flash red, like he smelled blood. He’s definitely not a vampire though. It took them a while to notice it was me though. This is me right now. A bloody girl watching her two friends walk towards her without even realizing it’s her and that she’s bloody. What useful friends. They may look dazzling from afar, but really? You guys are demons (I think)! Shouldn’t you have good eye sight?

“Angelica?” Riccardo finally noticed. “What happened to you?” Gawain just stared blankly. Riccardo simply ran over to me carried me and ran me over to his house. Gawain simply followed. What the hell is his problem? We got into Riccardo’s room and Gawain still hasn’t said a word. “Gawain can you hold her down? This is going to hurt a lot, Angelica.” Gawain moved behind me and held my shoulders, but said no words of comfort. Riccardo wiped the blood off of my leg with a towel. “Brace yourself.” Riccardo said. He licked the wound slowly and it burned worse than alcohol, but it healed almost instantly. When he was through with it, the wound looked as if it happened weeks ago. I probably had that how-in-the-world-did-you do-that face on because he smiled at me and said that was just something he could do for only me.

Riccardo is respectful. He knows his boundaries. No matter how much he loves me, he knows how far to go and he will never pass the ‘uncomfortable line.’ So why was Gawain acting like this? Riccardo is the only person that could make Gawain this way. I was lost in thought as I stole a bottle of water from Riccardo’s pantry. Riccardo said that Gawain and I should probably head home. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Still, Gawain didn’t say anything. And I think Riccardo was surprised too.

By the time we were half way to my house, I just got irritated with the silence between us. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked.

“Just thinking,” he said in a depressed sounding voice.

“About what?” I asked, expecting a legit answer.

He took a deep breath. “Well,” Gawain sighed. “You see… Riccardo and I have been friends for a very long time. And by a long time, I mean millions of years. And I…” He sighed once more. “Let’s make this simple.” He said, rubbing his temples. “I want you to fall in love with him. Not me.”

I was taken aback by his words. I can’t even fathom what he meant by those words. All I had in my head was the question, what? I mean, all that hard work of trying to make me fall for him was put to naught, just now. I was suffering from lassitude just trying to comprehend his actions. If I were him, I would be jaded after even showing this girl that I wasn’t human! How am I supposed to react to this? I couldn’t even ask why? He was the one who decided to walk into my life and stole my love for Riccardo. Now he wants to return it?

He answered my question as if he was reading my mind. “Do you see what he does for you? He can heal you with the touch of his saliva. He can connect with you. He…” I interrupted Gawain.

            “He abandoned me.” I said.

            “No,” Gawain answered. “No. He didn’t”

            Life just became a big bowl of crap.

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