^.^ Hello! Just posting my first fanfic. Hope u like it! ^.^
*Authors P.O.V*
Jungkook was just chilling on the couch watching tv. The movie wasn't that interesting at all, it was about some dog who had a purple eye that saw the future, or something like that. He wasn't even paying attention to the it, he just didn't have anything else to do.
Jin, Namjoon and Jimin went to the groceries store to buy something for dinner. Wile Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung went to the mall to buy some video games and other things they liked.
Jungkook was left alone because he wasn't feeling that well. He had a sore throat and a fever. Nothing so bad.
After just laying on the couch for a hour, Jungkook decides to grab his phone. He started off just playing some games, after a while he ended up on YouTube.
He was just checking how many likes and views their last video had made. He was okay with the results, it wasn't one of their best though.
After he had already checked some other videos, he went back to the newest one. Since he had nothing to do, he decided to read some of the comments. After all, it had been a very long time since he had done that. He new that some of them would be hate comments, but he also new that the ARMY's loved them and that they would leave a lot of good and constructive comments.
After starting to read one by one, he got tired because it was almost all the same, most of them were about how they LOOVVEEDD them and how one of the members face was so cute or so funny, things like that. Not that he was complaining or anything like that.
Only some of them caught his attention. Those ones were about the details that not even the members seamed to notice. Jungkook giggled at what the fans were describing. To the fans, even a scratch on the hand seam to be a poisonous ivy that they had touched when trying to escape from someone. It's was surprising the imagination that their fans have.
He continued to scroll down the comments until this one called his attention;
" OmG!!! Wtf is Jungkook's problem!! He didn't even notice Jimin glancing at him!!"
He was confused. What did that person mean? Jimin glancing at him? "It might be just their imagination." He let out a 'puft' sound. He then read other people's replies to that comment. He was surprised because all of them were just confirming about what the other had wrote.
"Yeah! I mean couldn't keep his eyes to himself!"
"I was going to say that!"
" Pls notice glance Jungkook!"
"That Jikook moment tho..."
And others...He read them with a confused face.
Jikook moment? "What the hell does that mean?!" He thought to himself with a confused face.He then decided to watch it again since some people were stating that there was a "jikook moment" what ever that meant.
He watching it over again just paying attention to Jimin's eyes this time. He could notice this time that Jimin's eyes were actually looking at Jungkook. But that was just a briefly look, it wasn't romantic or nothing like that, Jungkook thought.
He read the comments over again and one of them he couldn't get out of his head.
"That jikook moment tho..."
Jikook moment...Jikook, what is that? Who is that? Jungkook mind thought about that over and over again...
He then decided to google it.As he is done typing 'Jikook' in, he waited so that the page could load. After loading, the first thing that poped up was "Jikook Fanfictions"
He new what fanfictions were, he just didn't know what 'Jikook' was.
As he got curious and suspicious, he then clicks the link.
^.^ So yeah. Kind of lame...
Since this is the first chapter it will be shorter, the next ones will be longer!^.^

Just One Glance 〔Jikook〕
FanficJungkook was scrolling down some comments in his last video, none seemed to call much of his attention... Until he read one like this; - " OmG!!! Wtf is Jungkook's problem!! He didn't even notice Jimin glancing at him!!" - Jungkook was confused and...