It Always Ends : Ellie

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I was waiting for him at our usual spot. At our favorite cafe. The one a couple blocks away from the university. It was open twenty four hours a day, so it was perfect for when we needed to cram some study time and caffeine was needed. But that's not why it was our spot. It was our spot because this was the place where he officiated our relationship. In the back booth, next to the a book for a book bookshelf. That right there was where he'd asked me to be his girlfriend. It might not seem like that big of a deal. But if you knew us then you'd definitely understand.

"Ellie!", I turned as I heard my name called from an all too familiar voice. He'd finally arrived.
"Wait! Don't cross, I'm coming!" He shouted with excitement.

As I turned I was astound by the image before me. He was about to cross and as I laid my eyes upon him I was mesmerized by his beauty. I knew he was gorgeous but in that moment as the sunlight fell upon his body accentuating every part of him, I knew. It was if the sun had become his own personal spotlight, emphasizing all the stunning features that drove me crazy. He wore a dark green v-neck tee with a pair of dark denim jeans and his black army boots. He looked ridiculously handsome. And by the smirk that lined his face I could see he knew I was staring at him, absorbing every piece of him. His face was pinched, he was scrunching his nose at me as I often did to him. He was asking me something but I wasn't listening, I even couldn't speak. It was as if time had stopped and all that I could see, feel, and want was right in front of me. It's crazy but it was all because of him. I stood there frozen admiring his skin, his eyes squinting at the direct sunlight hitting his face. And even though he was far, I swear I could see the gold specks in his deep green eyes from the distance. God he was beautiful.

I kept soaking every ounce of him as if it were the last time I'd ever see him. But something felt off. And out of the corner of my eye something yanked my attention away from him. It was a truck with what appeared to be no driver. And it showed no signs of slowing down it rather seemed to be speeding up. I turned to warn him, seeing my worried expression he turned to see where I'd been looking. I yelled, I yelled as loud as my lungs could manage, "MOVE!".

But it was too late.

It was as if I'd I blacked out for just a second. As I slowly regained consciousness I saw flickers of red and blue. I heard sirens and people yelling. I realized I was running, making my way to him.

The color red had always been the most vivid of all to me. It was my favorite color. Red seemed to be everywhere. It was everywhere. As I made it to him I looked down as he laid there on the floor in pool of his own blood, so red and vivid. I fell to my knees beside him. I placed my hands on his chest. I was trying to remember all the first aid procedures, trying to see where all the blood was coming from aside from his head. Or at least that's what I told myself but all I wanted was to make sure he was still alive. I started to slowly run my hand up to his neck to search for a pulse. The closer I got the harder it got to breathe. As I looked at my hand covered in blood, his blood, I kept praying for a miracle. I prayed for a miracle because his blood was everywhere! All over me, all over the concrete, all over his clothes that just a moment ago seemed spotless.

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