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"We need to preserve the creatures." The commanding officer announced to the board. "And we need to protect the children's minds from intruding forces." There was a sudden uproar amoungst the small group of athoritized men and women.

"General, sir, if I may," One of the board members began. The General nodded for him to continue. "These creatures have reaked havic on countless towns, we've had to relocate several helpless animals, and on top of that, erase multiple minds. Before Dr. C.J. Red created the beasts, we didnt even concider reliesing this information to the public, let alone creating a zoo for citisens to gawk at our work."

"Only the children will know what they see."

"And as soon as others begin to believe these children, then what?" A beautiful blond board member took a stand, literally and figuratively. "I have a high level of respect for you, General, but if I may, children won't stay silent forever. They will tell their parents, teachers, and older siblings. Even if they don't believe them, the children will grow up. The more proof they have, the more they will believe. Like you always say, 'Once a believer, always a believer.' People are much more willing to listen to adults then children." The General looked torn. The woman took one more chance, "And what if theWranglers find out? Then what happens to the creatures and the children?"

TheGeneral lurched forward in a wave of shock. Her opinion clearly had an impact on him. However much he valued her opinion, he couldn't go through all of the trouble to change what he had already done. He shook his head. "I have to go through with this, Ally. I'm sorry."

Her pleading face turned stone cold. "I'm sorry, too." She walked up to him. She ripped the badge from her uniform, and placed it in his hand. She hesitated, then took a ring from her finger, then placed it too in his hand.A tear streaked down her face, and she closed the door as she left.

Oblivious to the entire council watching his heart break, he fell to the ground, the ring still in his hand, and wept.

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