Chapter 5- Guilt

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The next morning Raven woke up from her slumber feeling nauseous. Her stomach was churning and she had a massive headache. She felt a bitter substance crawling up her throat.

She put her hand over her mouth and ran to her her private bathroom. She hunched over the toilet and released some substances. It finally stopped after five minutes.

She felt, in no way, to go to the kitchen to make tea so she trudged back to her bed and pulled the covers over her head. She put a bucket next to her bed just in case she felt like vomiting again.


Beastboy woke up from his peaceful sleep. He checked the time and saw it was 8:00 in the morning. He groaned wanting to go back to bed but his body didn't allow him to.

He got up and went to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. Once he was done with that, he went to the kitchen to make cereal.

"Morning guys." Beastboy greeted making his way to the cabinet.

"Good morning friend. Did you have a peaceful slumber?" Starfire asked cheerfully. He nodded and poured the cereal in a bowl. He noticed everyone was there except Raven.

"Hey guys. Where's Raven. She's normally up before me." Beastboy asked.

"She didn't come out of her room at all. Maybe one of us should go check on her." Robin suggested.

"I'll go." Beastboy offered. They nodded and he left the kitchen, proceeding down the hall to Raven's room. He got to her door and gave quick knock.

"Uh, Rae. Are you okay? We haven't seen you all morning. Is something wrong." He asked.

He heard someone groan through the door. He then heard her shuffling to the door. It opened to reveal a tired Raven. She was still in her pajamas. Her hair was fuzzy but still tame and she ran her hand through the her hair.

"What's wrong, Rae?" Beastboy asked worried by her condition. She's normally neat and prepared.

"I'm sick. I don't know how I got sick but I don't want to be." She said through a scratchy voice.

Now he felt really bad. It was probably that sugar high that made her sick.

"Wait here. I'm coming back." He said. She nodded and went to her bed waiting for him.

He rushed to the kitchen and boiled water to make her some herbal tea. Once he was done with that, he got out aspirin and some water. He put it all on a tray and made his way to her room.

Hr opened her door and made his way to her bedside. She sat up and took the tray from him. She took the aspirin and gulped it down with water. She then took a sip of this herbal tea. She finished it and put the objects on her desk top.

"Thanks BB. This means a lot." She thanked and gave him a hug. He felt that warm feeling again. He returned the hug.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am. I guess those things you gave me actually helped." She said impressed.

He smiled and she returned one.

' Cmon BB. Just tell her how you feel. I can't live without her. She's right there. ' He thought.

"Uh, Rae?" He began.

"Yes?" She said.

"I need to get something off my chest. I....I......I like you." He finally stated.

"I like you too." She said.

"No, I mean I like you. More than a friend." He said.


"Yeah. I've liked you from the first day I saw you. When you smiled it made me want to see it again. That's why I've always tried to make you smile. You may not like me back but I understand." He said standing up to leave.

She quickly stood up and grabbed his hand and asked,"Beastboy?"

"Yeah?" He said turning around.

"I like you more than a friend too." She said. She then grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. His eyes widened but then slowly dropped closed. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She slid her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. They finally pulled away to catch their breaths.

They put their foreheads together,"I love you."Beastboy said.

"I love you too." Raven said.

So what do you think? Sweet right? So there you have it. Our favorite couple finally together.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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