The gods

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Long before the earth was born lived three gods,jaded,Garthea and Imman.These gods made different planets Pluto,Neptune, Uranus,Mars,Venus,Mercury and Earth.
The gods loved earth so much that they created land with vast creatures and animals, but one thing they loved most was man.They made him in their own likeness it was as if they created a mini god who could make decisions on his own. until Imman the God of war stepped in he caused total chaos on the entire universe he gave man different languages and only a few could understand each other.
The other gods got furious and told Imman to undo what he did but when he tried it just got worse that's when the gods realised that man was bound to create enemity against one another.
"Go to sleep now katana I 'll tell u the rest of the story tomorrow love",my grandfather said.he would tell me stories about ancient gods over and over and over again and I never seemed to get tired of them,I extremely loved the part where darkness overwhelmed the earth and dark creatures appeared all because of God Imman's mistake and and when the gods gave a few selected humans special powers they died after killing the creatures but the gods had plans for the earth they gave two humans great powers.

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