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Ashley glanced outside her window. It was morning, and the sun shined around her room. She was excited for today because it was her day to spend with Luke. She brushed her teeth, threw on a grey sweater and jeans, and ran down her stairs. Looking in a small mirror one last time, she grabbed her purse and walked into town. Smiling, she walked into Starbucks welcoming the coffee aroma that filled the place. Looking around, she spotted a window seat. Ashley came early, so she opened her phone and played to pass sometime.


"Ash!" Ashley turned around to see a brown haired boy walk on over to her.

"Finally you came here. I was waiting for hours!" Ashley pouted as Luke laughed.

"Well thats what you get for always being early. C'mon, lets go order." They walked to the short line, and read the menu. They weren't really sure what to get, so they tried something they both haven't tried before which was a Java Chip Frappuccino.

"Wow, this tastes great!" Ashley said, taking a sip.

"Wait don't drink it yet. Lets take a selfie!" Luke said, pulling out his phone. Ashley giggled and posed, showing her drink. They both posted it on Instagram, tagging each other.

"You always post selfies," Ashley said, scrolling through Luke's feed. "And its always about food." She laughed, playfully punching his arm.

"You're one to say. You always post selfies with your dog." Luke replied, showing her a selfie.

"At least he's cuter than food."

"Food is life though."



The two best friends were walking through the town when they saw Daiso and Suga. They were both walking holding hands getting hollers from Ashley and Luke. Daiso stuck his tongue out and Suga was just laughing.

"So, what are you guys doing today? Finally out of the house huh." Suga chuckled, getting eye rolls from Ashley and Luke. "We're just hanging out since there's nothing to do."

Ashley was about to say something till he was interrupted by someone bumping into him. She looked around then realized it was Swibblu.

"Oh, hi guys! Sorry for bumping into you Ash." Swib said, scratching the back of their head.

"Its fine. Whatcha doin Swib?" Ashley asked, glancing at the three people running behind him.

"Oh, Im with Ventus, Haunted, and Wolf-" Swib was cut off when someone yelled behind them.

"SWIBBLU! DONT EVER TRY THAT AGAIN!" Haunted yelled, Ventus and Wolfi glaring at them. Ashley, Luke, Daiso, and Suga looked bewildered looking at Swib, who was now looking at them with fear.

"Um? What happened?" Suga asked.

"Well, our precious Swib here thought it was funny to steal our wallets while we were in a fancy restaurant trying to buy some breakfast." Ventus replied, giving a vicious look at Swib.

"I-it was a small prank! N-nothing to be so mad about." Swib said, walking backwards. Suddenly, he started running away again, making Ventus, Haunted, and Wolfi run after him again.

"Oh lordie." Daiso said, watching Swib being slapped on the hand like a Catholic Schoolgirl.

Daiso and Suga headed off somewhere else, so it was only Ashley and Luke again. They just looked at each other and laughed.

--- huge timeskip ---

It was the afternoon, and now Ashley and Luke were at Ashley's house, looking through Netflix and making snacks.

"What should we watch?" Luke asked, browsing through the movies.

"Ooh! I know, but its really cheesy." Ashley said, grinning.

"Okay, sure haha." Luke said.

"Lets watch Disney movies!" Ashley said, doing a little cheer with her hands, making Luke laugh.

They really were close friends, laughing, talking, and just staying silent in the comfort of each other's company. They couldn't deny it. They did still have their feelings for each other, but they decided to block it out. Watching movies after movies, It became dark, and they both snuggled under a blanket on the couch, eating pizza. Suddenly, it started to rain, and the thunder scared Ashley. Not realizing, she snuggled closer to Luke, making him blush. Luke took a deep breath, and decided he would confess tonight. He really did love her. She was bright, funny, and it oddly made him feel attached to her. He felt the love, it felt like home.

Luke, snuck his hand around her and pulled her closer. Ashley just realized this, and was blushing as hard as a tomato. As nervous as she was, it oddly made her comfy, and she let it happen. The loud thuds from the thunder started to quiet as she eased more into Luke's arms. She really had feelings for this boy, and she glanced at his eyes. They were fully concentrated on the movie, but she saw a small spark in his eye that made her grin. She could get lost in them, but it felt nice. It felt warm, it felt like home.

The silence was broken when Luke started to talk. "Can i tell you something?"

"S-sure, what is it?"

"I... I love you. You are the most beautiful girl to me, Ashley. You shine brighter than the sun, you're funny, and you're just, you. You're the straw to my berry." Luke looked at Ash, and giggled while she blushed. He was worried, but he was confident. "Would you go out with me?" Luke said, making Ash blush even more. Luke saw it, and ever so slightly, Ashley nodded. He grinned, hugging her closer.

And as if he planned it, when Peter Pan spoke in the T.V., Luke whispered, "You mean more to me than anyone in this whole wide world."

Ashley blushed again, and laid her head on Luke's chest. "I love you so much. You make me feel warm and cozy, and you're handsome and cute, you're funny and kind, you're just... you. Your the peanut to my jelly." Then they just laid there, snuggling and watching the movie, until little by little, they fell asleep in each others arms.


just so you know I made this at 4am so if there is any mistakes please tell me to correct them :) thanks for reading :D -kkj

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