yeh ladki haye allah!!!!!!!

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Music was blasting through the speakers entire society was on her house's door complaining.
A couple was trying to calm them down and was apologising for the disturbance.
"Mr. Rajput what the hell is this again the same....." One of the person in crowd shouted.

"I'm sorry Mr.Sonja i will just turn off the music..." Mr. Rajput owner of the house stated trying to calm the crowd down.

"No Mr. Rajput this is the 3rd time we are talking about this  .either you are taking any strict action against your daughter or we are calling the police" a lady in the crowd said with so much frustration  in her voice.

"No Mrs. Taneja there is no need to call the police we will defiantly  talk about this with our daughter" Mrs rajput said calmly

"Yes we will defiantly scold her and i assure you all this won't happen again next time"Mr rajput assured them all.

"It should better be the last time or else the consequences would be worse" they said.

"Yes we promise" the rajput couple insured

With that the crowd went to there respective houses and the Rajput couple came inside the house.

"Sonaaaaaaaaaaaaa"Mr rajput shouted in top of her voice and the blasting music went off

A girl in her early twenties came out in a cool manner and raised her eyebrows and folded her arms on her chest.
Her cool behaviour irritate Mr rajput the most and his anger reached on its peak

"What happen dad why are you shouting??" Questioned the girl

"What happened you are asking me what happened???sona"replied a fuming Mr rajput.

" did you beat Mr.Taneja's son? and  did you broke mr sinha's window's mirror ?and did mixed sleeping peels in Mr. Ahuja's dog food? And did you puncher Mr. Saxena's car??? And did you..."

"Hold on dad yes i did this all but i have reasons"

"Care to explain those reasons"

"Dad mr. Taneja son was commenting on my clothes and it compelled me to beat the hell out of him and mr.sinha -"

"Shut up just shut up again your those stupid deeds and your stupid reasons I'm sick of it.
Day before yesterday you tried to bribe the police officer and that resulted you in night stay in that police station, two days back you beat that watchmen to stop you on the main gate because you were drunk,a weak ago you fought with the bartender of that club because he refused to serve you more and you beat him so badly that he ended up in the hospital and the list goes so on ."

"But dad he-"

"Enough of your silly excuses sona you are grown up girl for God sake at least behave like a girl not for us but for your own good" Mrs rajput cried

"But mom at least listen-"

"That's  it, now its time to remind you that you are a girl too and you will have to behave like a one" roared Mr rajput

"What do you mean by i am girl what are you trying to imply" asked sona

"We are saying that either you are behaving a good girl's role or  you are getting married. Choice is yours one more complaint and we will get you married. I have already found a groom for you That's it end of the discussion. Now go back to your room" said Mr rajput.

"But dad-"

"Enough sona no more buts go back to your room now" her mother Mrs rajput said

Sona knew that nothing is going to make them there mind so she simply hung her head down and went to her room.

"Either you are behaving a good girl's role or you are getting married" her fathers word rang in her head

"No one can compel her to do something not even her own parents" she thought

But some where in her heart she knew that her dad meant what he said after all he was a man if words

She sighed and gave herself in the arms of sleep to adore her.

Aha !!

First one well i had this plot for a long time in my mind ,now  I've decided to write it so....
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