The jungle night

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It had been a month since sona joined the office, both Aryan and sona got to know different shades of each others personality. They came close to each other and on good terms as superior and subordinate. Sona learnt a lots of things in this one month , she had changed a lot.

She learnt to be polite as per the situation and was doing good.

Mr rajput was very happy with her daughter.

Aryan on the side was falling hard for his Shona and never missed a single chance to be with her but sona only kept it as a professional relationship not personal.

They had attended various meetings and business conference ,Aryan was very happy with there growing bond.

Present situation:

Today there was a very important business pary in lonawala and all the entrepreneurs were coming there.

Both Aryan and sona had the plan to go there as well ,they quickly finished their work and went to get ready at their home respectively.

At sharp 6:30 Aryan went to sona's house to picked her up.

After a good wait of 5 min.s Sona came in an armani suit. But she still managed to look beautiful.

Soon they started to lonawala and after a good 1 and half an hour drive they were on the venue.

All the renowned entrepreneurs were present there, Aryan got along with them in a strict professional manner and soon the party was in full swing.

All the entrepreneurs were talking with some, some were flirting with random girls and all.

For Aryan it was yet another boring business party but for sona it  was her first business party she was observing all the things very keenly.

Soon the party came to end.

Both superior and subordinate started back to Mumbai. In midway suddenly a cat lunched towards the car and Aryan turned the steering wheel, due to sudden effect the car collided with a tree and ...

Sherk!! Spark! Sound came  inside the car's hood .

Both came out of the car.

"What happened?"asked sona.

"Don't know"was Aryan's simple replay.

"So what would we do know"asked a worried Sona

"Don't know"again he replied with a calm tone.

"Aaha!!wait a sec. Is our wittle Shona worried"he said in a baby voice and pinched her cheeks.

She slapped his hand away.

"Sir what are u doing this is not the correct way to treat an employee "she said with uneasiness written all over her face.

"Yeah u r right, but it is the correct way to to treat ur beloved once"he said and turned around, with that he started walking in the woods.

But sona stood there in frozen condition. After few seconds she composed herself and walked the way Aryan went.

After few min.s of walking she saw aryan , she joined him and they started walking in silence.

After about 15 min.s of walking finally sona broke the silence and asked"where are we exactly going sir?"

Aryan looked at her and said"what its look like Shona??,of course we are going on the highway to find some help at least network to call someone"

Sona made an 'o' face and again both went back to silence but this time a comfortable one.

After about good walking of 1 hours or something they didn't found any highway but they found a shelter. It had a hut type structure but not a hut exactly. It simply was a roof on four bamboos.

They both were very tired so they simply went there to took rest for some time.

As soon as they reached their aryan jumped on the bed type structured thing which was not a bed to be exact but a huge bunch of some dried grass which was placed there in a bed shaped manner.

Sona just looked at him okay okay glared at him because she was also very tired with the continuous walking.

"What, you can also join me if u want. U know it's kind of comfortable"said a smirking aryan.

Sona just set on the floor but after sometimes it started to getting cold.

Sona looked at aryan who was sleeping peacefully. It was getting worse with each passing minute finally after alots of arguments in her mind she stood up and joined Aryan.

She simply lay down and maintained as much distance as possible. But aryan failed all her attempt and wrapped his well built arm around her waist. She wriggle to free herself but aryan only tighten his grip.

"Sir what are u doing please leave me"sona said as she pleads .

"Shhhhhh Shona just sleep already"he said.

"No sir please leave me"

"Shut up Shona and let me sleep"

"No sir leave me "

but aryan was just too sturborn .

well that was it for sona and her patience.

she used all her strength and push aryan .

both of them got up and sona kicked him in the stomach..

And Aryan fell straight on his back.

with that sona started punching and kicking him.

and Aryan used all his strength to save himself from his "Razia Sultan".

somehow Aryan took hold on sona and reciprocate their position now sona was lying under Aryan.

He pinned both her hand ,on both sides of her head and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. he poured all his passion in that kiss ... .... and then ......... .


aha!! guys i m back

i know its two late but i was busy in my clg events and had alots of work so sorry.....

now enjoy this till the next update..

song of the chap.: Aye dil ha mushkil.....


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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