chapter 1

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sitting at home watching tv while I get dressed for work I start thinking about the past and what actually happened to my life to make spiral out of control. Austin when into the military he is due home any day this was his last tour I was very excited to find out that he was done after this. I miss him like crazy everytime he comes home it always gets hot and heavy and that leads to us spending all our time In bed. He left 6 months ago and we have been writing and skyping eachother non stop but he started noticing that I was getting bigger and so when I finally stood up to get something he saw his surprise I am 6months pregnant as of today and he was super excited I wasn't sure ho he was going to respond. He was so excited that he was crying it was a sight to see . I look up from my daydream see that the clock read 8:30 damnit I'm late again I hop in my 2016 mustang GT and speed off to work. it was hell trying to find a parking space but when I final found one I walked into the office my secretary told me I had visitors waiting for me inside my office that was a red flag for me because I never have visitors. so I cautiously approached my office and grabbed the 9mm on my hip and so slowly opened the door. It was them the people who I prayed would never find me .I knew what they wanted they wanted money they had finally ran out I told them they could go to hell but he was allowing the lunged for me and I raised my gun and shot and screamed for my secretary to call 911 and to get in contact with Austin. lucky mother mother was only have there or she would have been truly distraught. Charles has her selling her body and shooting up I will never understand it she had ever thing and she threw it away for a piece shit. I begin to feel really dizzy and that's all I remember . now I'm laying in a hospital room with Austin beside me looking highly concerned. the look in his perfect green eyes shows me that he is not at all amused by the situation that happened today and that I'm about to get scolded like I'm a damn four year old. what now I say and he just looks at me he says the twin are fine but try not to stress our self out that was a close call and they are going to put me on bed rest. Great now I'm gonna be stuck in the house still I come to term. he starts talking and I try to listen I notice he has on the ring we got when we went to Hati for a missions trip he wears faithfully . He loves that stupid ring and it makes me think about our trip and I guess he notices that I'm not listening because my heart monitor starts spike and finally I'm pulled out of lala land by someone who is yelling my name . "you were thing about hati again weren't you?" " yes I was that was the best trip the things that we got to do were amazing especially where we got to do them

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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