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Check bottom note lol * hides real quick just in case you all are out to kill me* but first look👇🏼

Check bottom note lol * hides real quick just in case you all are out to kill me* but first look👇🏼

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This is so cute *fangirls*

"Why Kim Taehyung out of all the guys in school, why not me?" Hoseok said trying not to cry.

"I..I don't know, maybe because I like him" Yoongi answered but down deep he knew it was not true. They looked at each other, Hoseok placed his hands on either side of Yoongi's cheeks. He admired the beauty in front of him and wondered why did he have to fall in love with him. In the other hand Yoongi was frozen he was speechless, he waited for Hoseok to kiss him but that never came instead he was left on the roof by himself

Third person's POV

Yoongi had felt horrible and guilty. He was currently with Taehyung at the park, they were looking out the pond that was in front of them. The ducks were swimming around in circles while they feed them bread. Taehyung kept staring at Yoongi, he "loved" him and he was finally happy that Yoongi was his. He thought that getting Yoongi to date him would be harder but turns out it was not. He grabbed yoongi's hand and entwined their fingers together. Yoongi leaned closer until he rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Should we leave now it's getting darker" Taehyung said.

"Sure" Yoongi answered back with rosy cheeks. On the way back Taehyung had gotten a call that his "family" needed him. He felt sorry for making Yoongi walk back alone due to the lateness of the night but nevertheless Yoongi had told him he was going to be save.

"I'll see you later!" Yoongi said as Taehyung kissed his forehead.

"Same, I will see you later babe, take care" Taehyung said as they hugged both parting different directions. On the way all Yoongi thought about was Hoseok. Why? He, himself did not know the answer. He was confused. Laughter was heard on the distance and, Yoongi covered his face with the face mask and continued to walk. He got closer to the group of teenagers and they stopped when they heard him coming closer. The boys looked at him in surprise. It was the kings of the school minus the baby of the group. Namjoon coughed awkwardly to get the attention of Hoseok who was busy texting with who knows who, but in reality Hoseok had known Yoongi was near so he pretended to be busy on his phone. But nonetheless he looked up and meet with the eyes of the only person that had him wrapped around his fingers.

Yoongi not knowing what to do just awkwardly waved at them and continued with his walk back to the dorm.

"I have to go, see you all tomorrow!" Hoseok waved at them.

The four other boys just waved at him,
Hoseok started to walk not far behind Yoongi. Just to make sure that no one hurts him or tries to kidnap him.

" I know you are there!" Yoongi said quickly coming to a stop.

" I know" Hoseok simply answered as he waited for Yoongi to continue to walk.

" I see you still are a creep " Yoongi said remembering how they had meet when Yoongi had passed out.

"I like to call it admiring!" Hoseok answered.

"Well at least walk beside me and not behind me I feel awkward" Yoongi answered still looking straight ahead. Some crumpling was heard and Yoongi felt another presence right next to him, the walk to the dorms was awfully quiet with only their breathing and foot steps being heard. Hoseok was so temped to grab yoongi's hand or maybe wrap his arm around his shoulder but he knew that if he did that he would just scare off Yoongi. But Yoongi was getting more tempting since his blood was so strong and now that he was pregnant his hormones ( whoremones lol I had too :) ) gave off a strong smell.

Once they reached the dorms Hoseok just smiled at Yoongi while Yoongi returned it. They exchanged a wordless goodbye and Yoongi had gone inside the room and quickly changed and went to sleep.

Hoseok was happy that he at lest walked back Yoongi to his dorm and that he had made it safe and sound. He too proceeded to walk back to his dorm.


Meanwhile Taehyung and Jungkook walked by the Han river (idk If I spelled that correct) hand in hand. They were both happy, yet they were great actors the both of them. But they had no other choice but to follow their parents' rules. You see Taehyung's dad and Jungkook's dad both wanted a half breed. As they believed that "half breeds" were the most powerful people and that they lived for centuries and having one meant more economical power. So they had set and agreement that when Yoongi had given birth they would-- but back to what Taehyung and Jungkook.

"So how was your day?" Taehyung asked wanting to converse with his boyfriend.

"It was fine, althoughI really think that we should just drop the plan. I mean our parents have lots of money why can't they just do the dirty work themselves? And plus I really don't like watching Hoseok Hyung cry because a pathetic human" Jungkook said feeling pity for Hoseok but not for Yoongi because he knew that Yoongi was better than him in some ways, so he saw Yoongi as a threat.

"Yoongi Hyung isn't that bad, he is actually a nice guy" Taehyung said remembering the short male he called "best friend" or boyfriend in his case. In love and money, money can over come love.

Can you show us a pic of you? (Someone that wishes to be anonymous asked me this)

Okay but be warned I am ugly asf😂😂

Im warning you (last chance)

No?!? Okay I warned you!


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BUT THIS IS A EARLY BIRTHDAY GIFT. IM SO OLD. ( 18) btw my bday is March 27, but I hope you enjoyed this. Idk when I will update but thank you for staying with me through all this time 🤙🏼
Welp that was boring but very important for the plot and I gave you lots of hits. Jezz I sound like BigHit lol.

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