My story

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So I'm Alex or Justin I don't have a preference but I go by he/they pronouns

So my depression started when I was in 6th grade, my parents were newly divorced and I was always crying over it, anyway so I started starching myself Bc it was easier to hide then actually cuts, I was ur stereotype self harmed, I had emo  hair I would only listen to sad music. But that didn't give it away to my parents the fact that I always wore long sleeves and I started spending as much time in my room as I could as if I was in prison. In 7th grade it was horrible my depression was un treated my self harm getting deeper it was a bad year. But I did meet new friends irl and on the Internet some of which I'm still good friends with today. So at the end of 7th grade I told my parents I self harmed and they sent me straight to therapy and she was nice ( for the sake of her privacy I'm making up a name) Mrs.h didn't help at all, and at the time I was living with my dad. So I decided he never asked if I had cut again so it continued. I was always finding new places to do it and ways to hid it. One day during m y 7th grade year I was so down and I tricked myself into thinking no one loved me so I tried to kill my self. I cut my wrist rly deep and laid in a bath tub full of water and tried to drown myself. That when I started becoming friends with a girl who also self harmed and we started hanging out and one day she showed me her scars. I rolled my sleeve up and showed her mine, from that day on we have been best friends and we promised no matter what we would help each other. I'm starting 8th grade in 2 weeks and this summer I've lost friends I've gained some but that one friend has always had my back and I love her to death.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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