*Harry POV*
I puked everymorning , I've been getting even more hungry, and I've been tired. Can it be ? Can I be pregnant? I opened up the pink package and took the test out and peed on the stick. I looked at the directions it read Wait 5 minutes after taking test if it shows + you are pregnant if it show - you are not pregnant.
* 5 minutes later*
I picked up the test scared of what I would see? Would Louisl break up with me? Would he think I am some freak? How bout the boys? What would Simon say? What would my mom say?
I looked down at test with fear in my eyes and see +.
I'm pregnant.
*Louis' POV*
I unlocked the door and flicked the lights on which is weird I thought Harry was here since he hasn't been feeling well we haven't brought him to studio.
"Harry Babe I'm Home" I called. Nothing absolute silence. I walked up the stairs and into out bedroom to hear muffled noise it was Harry he was crying..
I quickly opened the door to the bedroom he wasn't there but I heard his sobs and looked over to the master bathroom . The door was shut he was in there. I knocked softly and gently.
"Harry are you in there? " I said softly
" Yeah I'll be right out" He sniffled
I didn't trust whatever was happening I opened the door to a crying Harry.
" UHM LOUIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Harry said startled with his hands behind his back.
" I came to see whats wrong" I said
He simply handed me test.
"Your pregnant" I said
he nodded
and we hugged and lived happily together..
Darcy Ann Tomlinson born on May 5 2014