3. School

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Chloe P.O.V

Ugh...Mondays...whyy...Well i get up and head to the shower i bought this cherry shampoo body wash combo and it smells so good...When i get out of the shower i put on these flannel and some shorts (act like there longer because of school rules) and i put on my violet pinkish shoes then i grab my white book bag ran downstairs grabbed my car keys yelled to my mom that i was going then i went to my white KIA Sorento and off to school

When i get out of the shower i put on these flannel and some shorts (act like there longer because of school rules) and i put on my violet pinkish shoes then i grab my white book bag ran downstairs grabbed my car keys yelled to my mom that i was g...

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When i actually found the school it was only like 6 minutes away from my house i found a parking place then locked my car and ran inside to the office.

"Um hi my name is Chloe Ray Rogers do you have my schedule?" I ask

"Yes you do sweetie here you go and i told your 1st period teacher that you were gonna be late" She said nicely

"Thank you Miss. Angel" I say 

Then i try to find my locker it's #16 really? #16?! well lucky me i get to be #16. I walk only 3 seconds to my locker then i put my stuff in my locker and grab my schedule. Hmm cooking first?! How lucky am i?! I grab my purse and put some pens, pencils, band aids, lip balm etc. I look around to see my 1st period is right next to me. I walk in my class and go up to the teacher to see where i sit. Ms. Wells tells me to sit by Aidan...Aidan?! Aidan is in my 1st period...oh no...I go and sit next to Aidan.

"Hey Chloe i didn't know you were in my 1st period" Aidan says quietly

"Well here i am" I whisper then i sneeze "Bless you cutie" Aidan says "Thanks i really don't feel good" I explain

"Hello students i would like to introduce Chloe to our class" She says proudly "She had straight A's all through her old school and she really loves cooking so Welcome Chloe!"

Everyone stares at me and i blush and wave "Hey classmates"

Then everyone claps. Oh wow people are way different then my old school. I think i'll be fine at WHS. (Western High School). Everyone is friends and i like that.

"I didn't know you had straight A's" Aidan hugs me while whispering

"Well i didn't want to be bullied and be judged" I whisper again

"Well i won't hurt you cutie i don't judge" He winks

I blush and he sees "You look cute while blushing" and I smack his chest for saying that

"No i don't!" i whisper yell

He winks then we all start cooking. We had to make egg rolls and i was the first to get all the stuff for it then i made it in like 5 minutes. Ms. Wells was impressed so she gave me the right to help everyone in the class and with my skills everyone will be cooking like the rode runners.

Aidan's P.O.V

Oh man she gets me sexually frustrated. I never felt like this with a girl ever and i never dated or had it with a girl. She got me all twisted. So i stare at her man she is so fucking cute with her thinking fingers and her tongue sticking out while thinking. Then i make the egg roll slowly because i wanted to stare at her while making my egg roll. After i was done with my egg roll i cleaned up the pans and stuff so i could go talk to Chloe. When i was done cleaning up i grabbed my stuff and the bell rang...Well i can talk to her after school since she lives right next to me.

I have art next so i get up and start walking to Mrs. Reed's class. When i get to Mrs. Reed's class i go and sit in my seat and wait for the bell to ring. When class starts i zone out and start thinking about Chloe and how i saved her. She almost died and if i wasn't there she would of gotten hurt or worse. Then the bell rings and i got up and speed walk out of class. I got lunch next so i walk to the cafeteria. When i get there i see Chloe and almost choke on my spit. I keep walking to my table and put my stuff down.

"Dude...why you staring at a nerd" Jack says

"Uh dude she is a goddess..." I say

"Really?" Jack questions

Chloe turns around at stares at us with her blue crystal eyes "Dude...s-she is a goddess..." Jack stutters

"I wished you listened to me" I joke

Well Chloe was sitting alone so she got her stuff and came to our table. "Hey Aidan and his friend" Chloe says

"Hey beauty" Jack flirts

"Keep yo mouth shut before i shove a brick down your throat" Chloe fires back

"Okay...sorry" Jack says 

"Sorry Chloe for Jack" I laugh

"It's fine i deal with boys like that at my old school" Chloe explains

I feel sorry for her so i lean over and kiss her cheek and she kisses my cheek back. Chloe blushes again "You don't got to blush around me cutie" I say confidentiality 

"Okay Aidan i guess..." Chloe says shyly

We all walk to the lunch line since the food is crap we just grab a Gatorade. I grab the blue Gatorade Chloe grabs lemon lime and Jack grabs orange. Then we all head back to the table and when we walk back i hold into Chloe's waist so no boys stare at her and the boys will know she's mine... the teachers don't mind us so we can do whatever. Then i pick Chloe up and walk to her seat at our table and put her down. After we finish our Gatorade we all went outside to the football field and sat at the bleachers then i yawned and stretched over to Chloe's shoulder. Chloe blushed and smacked my face playfully. "You little flirt" Chloe said 

"I know i am" I smirk then i kissed her fully "You make me like this Chloe" I whisper into her ear and i think i turned her on (hehehe) "Oh now i do?" Chloe questioned "You always did since i saw you at the beach" I whisper again and bite her ear. "Mmmm is that cherry i smell?" I laugh

"Yep i bought it yesterday" Chloe bit her lip. Okay now she playing with me. I put Chloe on my lap and that was a bad idea. Now i'm more turned on ugh what this girl does to me.

Chloe's P.O.V 

I wanted to tease him so when i was on his lap i started to jump a little...then the bell rang...i don't wanna go to class. "Hey Aidan i don't wanna go to class.." I say

"Really i was thinking the same thing" He smirks

"Not that way you perv" I smack his chest 

"If you touch my chest again i might take you to the floor" Aidan whispers and bites my neck

I get up and start to get my stuff on the bleachers and i see Aidan's face turn upside down. I tell Aidan that i'm going to the office to call my mom to tell her i don't feel good. So i go to the office and the nurse took my temp and she told me it was 103 then she told me to go wait for the phone to be free then when it was free to use I called my mom and told her that my temp was 103 and i needed to go home. She told me that she will walk there since i got my car. I told Miss. Angel that i have to go home and to have a good day. I saw my mom and she signed me out i went to my locker grabbed my book bag and walked out to my car.

-Taco :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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