The Beginning

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This is the first book I've written on Watty and I was inspired by theleximermaid. I LOVE her books she's such a great writer - please follow her! So this is the first chapter(the last bit was an intro, i think.......). Listening to Feel This Moment by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera, I think  you should have that privilege as well. Enjoy ;)

I have always been the girl who laughs the loudest - I've had some amazing laughs(like the time I ran my friend over with a canoe - I don't know what went wrong.....), but I always have the biggest arguments - I never wanted to be the girl who could never be alone but I guess you turn into what you don't want to be. It's scary, to be honest, how much I've changed myself, to fit who i want myself to be.

From middle-ish long chocolate brown hair, to very long dark brown hair with black highlights, I can just hide behind my hair when sad or frustrated. My personality changes so quickly it's weird. I have (officially) the weirdest laugh in the whole of year 10. It changes every frigging time I laugh! It's so annoying. When I write a CV for a job I'm gonna put - loudest, weirdest laugh on earth. It might not get me a job but there's always a good side to everything - apparently. The supposedly "Good side" to my laugh is, it's entertaining - most of the time.

So Here I am walking up to Harry's house, because he's late - AGAIN.

*Knock, knock, knockty knock knock*

"Hey Harold!"

"Hey Laura, SEE YA MUM!"


"Er yes? And DON'T call me Harold-"

"Harold, why are you always late?"

"It's either Henry or Harry - say what?"



"Ah, I give up, anyway we're already at Felix's house."

I leave Harold to contemplate his existence(he's the brooding type) and I walk over to my oldest boyfriend yet - Felix. "And on GTA 5 he was just like - Don't shoot! I'm just a fat guy walking the street! - and I was like - Yeah, MY STREET! - and I shot him. Ah babe!" *Kisses me* "Was wondering where you'd got to!"

"Ah, was waiting for Henry to get his arse outta bed and don't ever worry! You know-"

"I'll always be there in two, yeah you've said." I brush his brown hair out of his beautiful brown eyes, I love his eyes and i love it when his hair is swept to the left - then it will get my seal of approval(my approval is highly recommended) while he raps his arm round my waist. "Lets go." By the time we actually start walking we have a group of about 50 rebels round us - kinda like  security guards - you need that when walking to our school. It's rough there, but we literally rock that school.

We weren't ever going to be prefects or head boy and girl so we did the thing we knew best - we were the 'rebels'. There are different houses at our school - Lundy(purple), Cromaty (WOO! Green), Biscay (red), Portland (yellow) and Fitzroy (orange). All the perfect people are what we call 'Royals'. They are COMPLETE pains in the arses but hey, you can't choose your house - like you can't choose your family. The royals are academic smart but they really aren't street smart. We have smart rebels then you have the smartest of the rebels (me, Felix, Harry Martin, James Dean and Dylan Friend - I LOVE his last name, friend :D ).

"YOLO!" shouts Luke and Luke Tend(they are step brothers of the same age) as a speeding van comes towards the road we're lazily walking on. All of a sudden Felix picks me up and shouts you're not killing my girlfriend today s**t-bag" And flips him the bird *mental face palm*. I love my boyfriend but i really think he's a complete (I quote only fouls and horses) div sometimes. "Felix-" I kiss him on there forehead, "I would really love you to carry me to school but I'm a big girl now so put me down, NOW! Please!" He kisses me back. "Alright....."

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