Do you ever have that one night..
When you think of that one person..
With that one laugh..
With that one smile..
With that one look..
That makes you smile to the point your brain goes numb,
But drives you mad?
That makes you doubt your happiness?
That drives you to the point where you ask yourself..
Am I not worth it?
Then you think..
And.. you think..
Then you think some more..
And it brings up another question..
Am I not beautiful?
Then after that, you ask yourself question..
After question..
After question..
Trying to figure out all the answers to the questions you seemingly have,
Trying to figure out if you did something wrong,
Trying to figure out if you were the one to blame.
You find yourself falling into a pit of never ending self doubt
Leading to crying
And other things that won't be mentioned
But did you ever think,
I am worth it.
I am beautiful.
Because you are.
You are worth it.
You are beautiful.
You are the reason for someone's smile
And that's how it should be.
But most of all,
You should be the reason for your own mouth to curl at the ends and let out a little teeth
Because you're the only person that truly make yourself happy.
You're the only person
That can convince yourself that The tears you cry
Aren't worthy of stealing your smile away.
You are only person
That can convince yourself that
The blood that may have shed
Isn't worthy of being called a masterpiece
But that you are.
Any scar,
Physical or mental,
Makes you more beautiful
No matter what others say.
So.. Tonight if you think about that one person
With that one laugh..
With that one smile..
With that one look..
Remember.. If they don't make you happy,
You do.

Mind, Body, Heart: Confessions of a teenage poetWhere stories live. Discover now