Jar of feelings

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I'm here all alone in my dark room

Trying to fall asleep

Tear by tear,

I'm drying up here

I know I won't survive from this battle,

my feelings on one side of it,

My reality in the other;

I think I'm gonna die but I'm here....

In my dark room...

It's just me and my feelings;

The only thing that's hurting me in this soulless night

If I fall asleep I know I'm gonna dream...

Dream the same dream... 


I wish I could have a jar

There I could put all of my feelings

So I finally fall asleep;

That's all I really want,

I want to sleep and never wake up,

No more dream,

No more feelings,

No more hurts inside of my so-called soul...

They keep telling me that I'm gonna get better, but what's better?

When you are this broken what are your chances of getting "Better"?


That word dosen't exist for me... Not anymore.


Hey Guys this one is a little bit different than the other ones cause this is the prologue from "Benefits for a bipolar mind" Written in form of a poem hope you like it!

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