Nightmare part 2

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Thanks to all of you I already have quite a few people following this story and that makes me happy! And I'm soooooo sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I have had some major writer's block and I just wasn't happy with some of the directions that I thought this should go, but now I think I have gotten it how I want it. Hopefully you guys like it as well. I will also try to update as much as I can but with me going into tenth grade next month it might take longer than I usually take to update. Not this last time. It will be sooner than that. Anyway, sorry for rambling so on to the story!
"Ugh..." Rin's head throbbed. His thoughts were all jumbled and when he tried to open his eyes he had to close them real fast because of the bright light. He then realized that that bright light was in fact the sun shining overhead. "Wait. Where am I?" He heard a voice calling someone over to where he was and knew that it was Shiemi with her sweet, soft voice. He didn't know exactly what had happened but he knew he was in good hands. Then he had a startling thought, "We're in the forest." Rin bolted upright and immediately regretted it. His head hurt like hell and he heard a gasp come from Shiemi before he fell back to the ground. "Yuki come quick! Rin is awake!" She exclaimed.

"Nii-san, what happened?!" Yukio asked worried. "Nothing, but we have to get outta here!" Rin exclaimed. No one knew what Rin was going on about and as he tried to stand was pushed back down by Yukio. "Of course it was something!" Yukio yelled. "You were clutching your head and saying things that didn't make any sense... Unless you were..." "Crap!" Rin thought. He didn't need them knowing that he had a damn demon in his head. He knew however that Yukio would've figured it out eventually. So as Yukio started speaking again Rin knew what it would be concerning. "You... The thing that's here... It's speaking to you... but the only demon powerful enough to connect to someone's mind from as far away as we were is..." "Satan." Rin finished for him. A long silence followed until Yukio broke it.
"How long?" "What?" "How long has he been communicating with you?" Yukio quietly asked. "Um..." Rin started. "Ever since I had a nightmare on the train ride over here and, um... Since I, um... My thoughts kicked me in the ass and I had to... Go..." "Go where?" Yukio asked calmly. He was worried about his brother. He always was but now, if Satan was in his head, his brother's depression could be the reason Satan was able to get there so easily. "But what was in that dream that caused Rin to become so, vulnerable?" Yukio wondered. "I had to go... Cut..." Rin answered reluctantly. "When I flew out of the train on Kuro after talking to Shura and I knew that none of you knew what was out here and that I couldn't seem to get anyone to listen. I felt... Trapped... And scared." Yukio had only seen Rin look this broken once before, and that was when he had run out of class and into the bathroom. They had found him bleeding on the floor with tears in his eyes. Yukio was forced back to when they had successfully gotten Rin to wake up and they had arrived at their destination and was devastated by what he remembered.

Rin had been yelling at everyone to get back on the train and that it wasn't safe there. The Kyoto group, (namely Bon) had told him that he was just being a damn, stupid monkey so Rin had tried to go to Izumo and Shiemi. Izumo had told him to shut it and Shiemi just politely told Rin that she thought they were safe there and that they had each other to protect them. Becoming even more frantic Rin had tried him as well but he had told his brother that it was a simple, in and out mission, and that he was just being paranoid. Rin at that point had gotten pulled onto the train by Shura and Yukio couldn't hear what they had said until Rin had screamed what he now knew was "Satan is coming!" Then when he looked around and saw some lower level demons coming towards them. He had gone off into battle with the others until Shura, Rin, and Kuro had come to help them. He had noticed Rin had been holding something by his wrist as he flew out there on Kuro but was distracted by the hoard of demons.

Looking back on that situation he knew he could've done something to help his brother and was deeply saddened that Rin had cut again and that he didn't even trust anyone to believe that he was telling the truth about this place. He had to help his brother get everyone out of there and back to True Cross safely. Yukio planned to give Mephisto a piece of his mind for not telling them what was really out there and he knew that Rin would stand by his side through all of it. That was when Rin stood up, and bolted the direction they had come from. Rin couldn't let them get hurt and he knew that they would follow him outta there to safety. Plus he would be a good distance ahead of his brother that he wouldn't have to say anything else about his cutting, but close enough that he could hear them and keep them safe.

He had been running for probably five minutes away from the evil presence with his friends following him when he stopped. Then the evil feeling spiked and Rin clutched his head while his father spoke once more. "Don't think you can run away from your daddy! Hahahaha!" "Gaahhhh!!!" Rin yelled and fell to his knees. "Get away you evil bastard! Gah!" "Don't underestimate me boy. I know everything that's going on inside that head of yours. And that's why I am prepared to make you a deal." Yukio and the others had caught up to Rin and tried to get him to answer them. They were unsuccessful in doing so and Rin stayed where he was writhing in pain. Yukio didn't know what to do. His brother was in pain and all he could do was watch. That's when it seemed that Satan started speaking again and Rin screamed in agony. "I won't touch a hair on your dear brother's head nor any of your friends if..." Satan let the tension build until Rin broke it. "If... I do what.... You dumbass!?" "Well, if you give into the darkness in your demon soul and allow me to roam freely in this world!" "Rin!" Yukio yelled. "Don't listen to him! Whatever you do don't listen!" Rin's body then went ablaze. "Stop fighting my boy. You won't win! Hahahaha!" Rin knew he couldn't fight him anymore. "If... If I g-give in to y-you, then you w-will spare them?" Rin was tired. This whole ordeal had given his depression a huge boost. He couldn't win. This was the king of demons after all. If his friends and brother would be safe... No he had to keep fighting, if not for himself then for the people of Assiah. Then Satan continued and Rin fell on his stomach. He couldn't take it. He needed this pain to stop and if he gave in he might be able to take control again when he needed to if Satan tried anything. It was a long shot but it was a risk that he was willing to take for his brother and friends. "Please... d-don't... hurt them..." Rin then closed his eyes and waited for the darkness to take him.

"Good choice son. Hahahaha!!!"
Well I hope that chapter was acceptable and enjoyable. Please review, favorite, and follow! Kayspaz15 out.

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