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"you stole my heart, so can i steal your last name?"

(are you okay? wonwoo, what happened to you?)

as much as he had tried to hide the bruises and scars, he couldn't. the best he could do was to wear a scarf. luckily it was winter, so no one would think he's crazy. he didn't really care though, since no one notices him anyways. except for his secret admirer. no, not just his secret admirer, someone else noticed him too, but not in a good way. everyone was always in a picture all together, except him. his presence was so weak that no one would ever notice that he was even there at all. he had always been outside of the picture, watching everything and everyone. little did he know, that things were about to get complicated.

atelophobia | mingyu + wonwoo [continued!]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя