His neko: cat's in the bag

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"Why is it that we are standing in a cold alley at this time of night? You sure jack the ripper would come here?" Ciel mutter shivering.

"Such a good kitten" Sebastian cooed as he bent down to pet a cat.

"But still...if you think about it. This is a perfect place to commit a crime." Ciel continues dismissing his butler's words.

"Such soft paws....such sinful beauty" the butler cooed as he squeeze the paws happily.

" maybe we should have came later. Don't you think--" ciel was cut off.

"Ahhh~~~ soft~~~soft~" the butler cooed. Ignoring his young master again.

"LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING!" Ciel fummed glaring daggers at Sebastian.

"Sorry my Lord but she's just such a beauty." The butler replied as the cat ran away.

"Your loud mouth is harmful for cats Sharp ears." He continued as he gave ciel a deadpanned look.

"We already have one cat." Ciel looked away.

Sebastian shook his head and stood up. Emerald shifted a bit in her cat form on the butler's head.

"Oh dear are you cold?" Sebastian cooed as he embraced the black kitten in his arms.

Snuggling comfortably she fell back to deep slumber. Sebastian smiled softly and was going to say something when he was interupted by a loud scream. The duo snapped their heads in the direction of the sound.

"How?! Nobody got past us. This the only way..." ciel said confused as he ran in the direction.

Sebastian's frown deepened as he followed his master.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

I ran after young master after tucking emerald in my arms.

"Master! WAIT! " I shouted as I quickly covered his eyes.

He panted loudly. His asthma signs were showing. I looked at the person who came out looking hurt and bloodied.

"I-I did-didn't d-d-do it... when I cam-came...it-it- it was t-to-too late"  he stuttered.

"Nice to see you. Grell....or should I say jack the ripper grell Sutcliff." I smirked.

"Oh...." he looked down frowning but smirking and giggling after a while.

His laugh got louder as he took off his glasses and started putting on fake eyelashes and eyeliner. Putting them back in place,his hair started to grow and change into a bright red colour.

"I'm bbaaacccckkkkkk!" He shouted happily.

" Now lemme introduce my self to you! My name is Grell Sutcliff! Butler of the durless! We're both butlers! Let's get along!" He exclaim loudly and sent me a invisible kiss.

I shivered in disgust.

"Please don't say disgusting things like that. It's disturbing." I muttered.

By now, I uncovered my master's eyes. Madam red made her apperance as ciel exchanged words with her as I took off my jacket and out it on him.  Then it started. Madam red VS young master and Grell VS me. I placed emerald on my head as grell circles me.

"AHHHHH~~~~ THE both of us are fighting even though our love will always stay~~~~ hit me bassy! Hit me with your love~~~~ahhhh~~~~~" he moaned.

"STOP IT. IT'S disgusting" I replied annoyed.

"The both of us. Just like Romeo and Juliet! Ahhhhh~~~" he fantasized loudly.

"If we were Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare's novel would have gone downhill." I replied as I aimed a kick at his face.

"HEY! How can you kick a lady in her face! You really are a devil aren't you!" He shouted.

"I'm just one hell of a butler afterall!" I smirk.

"Ahhhhh~" he ran at me.

"I don't like being stepped on but when I'm the one doing the stepping is much enjoyable." I smiled as I tripped him and stepped on his face.

He glared at me and started saying how it wasn't gentlememt of me to do such a thing.

We fought violently as madam red was with ciel.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

"Why? You're a doctor?!" I ask.

"As if a kid like you would understand  if I told you. Too bad though...if you didn't find out we could play chess together like the last time..." she ranted as she held a pocket knife.

We exchanged a few more words before she launched at me with the knife. My eyes widened as my butler screams my name.

"BOCCHAN!" Sebastian voice rang as he dismissed losing an arm running towards where I was.

"SEBASTIAN DON'T! DON'T KILL HER!" I said. This made him stop erruptly a few feet away from her shaking figure.

"What's wrong madam red? Kill him quickly." Grell taunted.

"B-but I can't...he's my....." she sobbed.

"What are you saying after all the women you killed?! Kill him or we'll be found!" He shouted.

" But he's m----" the chainsaw went right through her.

Her eyes widened a fraction before she took her last breath. She had died...she was gone.

I looked at her lifeless body in shock. My eyes dulled for a moment as I heard grell saying something about sparing us if we shut our mouths. He was about to leave when I looked at Sebastian.

"What are you doing? I ordered you to dispose jack the ripper. There is still one more left!" I muttered.

His eyes widened as a smirk crawled on his cheeks.

"Yes my Lord" he whispered, tightening his gloves with his teeth.

He handed me emerald and went to fight the reaper. He managed to corner grell after a long fight.

(Sebastian's P. O. V)

I landed gracefully in front of him.

"Wow. Its true then. No matter how hard I punch. But I suppose..." My eyes trailed off to my jacket stuck in between the chainsaw.

I yanked off the jacket with ease and started it up. Upon hearing the sound of his chainsaw start up, grell stared at me in fear.

"But still.... what happens if this chainsaw were to cut you in half...would you die then? Let's find out shall we? I smirked, taking long slow steps towards him as he cowered back at every step I took.

"W-wa-wait!" He stuttered as I appeared before him.

"W-WAIT STTOOOPPPP!" He screamed.

"No thanks!"I mumbled closed eye smiling at him.

It was about to run through grell when the chainsaw was stopped by something long and thin.

"Sorry to interupt. I am Willam T Spears. And this shinigami..." 

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