《《《《《The Fair》》》》》

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"Wake up! I dont want to be in line all day!" I yelled for my little sister and brother to wake up.
"Y/N! I dont want to wake up. Why do I have to go?" Y/S/N (your sisters name) replied.
"Yeah, Y/NN. Why do we have to go?" Y/B/N (brothers name) added. I slightly rolled my eyes at them but it didnt go unnoticed. "You have to because Mom told me to watch you guys today. Plus, I thought you would want to go to the fair. It comes only once a year AND today is the last day." I said with a little attitude. They both picked up on my tone and quickly obeyed my request for them to get ready.

*******30 minutes later*******

All of us were showered and ready to go. I was wearing a burgandy and white long sleeved shirt, a pair of black jeans that hugged my thighs just right, and a pair of white converse. I got my little sister to braid my hair for me... and i have to admit, im hella impressed.
My outfit

                       My outfit

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Y/s/n was looking cute too. She decided to wear a gray sweater with a black heart on it. Along with it, she wore a pair of black jeans similar to mine, her favorite gray Vans, and her signature beanie. She wore sunglasses too. I have no idea why cause its mid-October.
Y/s/n outfit

If I were to forget about my little brother, he would kill me

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If I were to forget about my little brother, he would kill me. He was wearing a T-Shirt with words on it. I didnt even bother to read it. He also wore a pair of blue jeans with little rips, his red Chuck Taylors, and a gray beanie. He absolutely smells like he bathed in colonge. Its way too strong but i decided to let it go because we were running behind on my agenda.
Y/b/n outfit

As soon as we were walking out the door, my step dad comes in

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As soon as we were walking out the door, my step dad comes in. My only thought was why aint this man at work??? But i didnt even have to ask because he voluntarily told us that work got cut short.

I am now complaing because the current time is 12:41 and i wanted to be at the fairgrounds by 12:30, but you see how thats going.

I didnt give anyone the chance to say anything before i pushed them all out the door and into my 2002 Dodge Dakota. Me being 16, y/s/n 14, and y/b/n 13, im the only one that can drive, unfortunately. Ive got to drive across town to reach the fairgrounds.

********Skip car ride********
Finally, at 1:24 we're here.
We get out my truck and head to the booths to get our wristbands. I spent a total of $100 on all of us for admission and the 'unlimited' wristbands because my siblings "forgot" their money at home.

Instead of arguing with them, i just bought them.

After gaining entry, we rode couple of rides together.

About an hour later my mom showed up unexpectedly. Y/b/n and y/s/n tackled her in bear hugs. Damn, they seen her this morning, whats the big deal? Thats when i remembered that they didnt really want to be here. It all made sense now.

They both begged and pleaded for her to take them home until she complied. I have to give it to my mom; it took at least 20 minutes for her to crack into their pressure.

A little more than 10 minutes went by and i was doing absolutely nothing but sitting down at a picnic table. I came with my brother and sister so we can have fun TOGETHER, not so they can leave me high and dry. The reason i didnt leave is because ive been waiting all year to come to the fair and im finally here and im not about to give that up.

Im now at the fair all by my lonesome. I know absolutely no one here.

It was at this moment of lonliness when i caught a glimps of an angel. It was none other than Dinah Jane. I couldnt believe my eyes. They had to be deceiving me. I almost passed out when she walked up to me and tried to start a conversation.

"Hey, we should ride this ride together. You dont look like the type of person who gets scared at rides like that. What do you say?" Her voice was filled with so much confidence as she was pointing to the 'Stinger'.

Despite the fact that i could barely breath at this moment, i managed to form a couple of words. "OMG!!! You have no idea how many times ive layed awake at night wishing a day like this would happen."

Her face lit up before she said,"Oh my God. I am hbonered. I seems like you already know but im Dinah Jane. And you are?"

I was actually at the point to where i can talk to her without sounding like an idiot. "Trust me, the honers are mine. But my name is Y/n." We just sat in a comfortable silence just glaring at each other until Dinah broke the silence.

"I...uh... Do you still wanna ride the ride? If so, we better hurry becaue its about to start"

"HELL YAH! Lets go!"

We both ran full speed to 'The Stinger' so we could make it before it started. Luckily, we made it just in time to get on.

We rode 'The Stinger', 'Tango', 'The Claw', 'Mouse Trap' before we got to 'The Haunted Mansion'. Its a roller coaster that takes you through this mansion-like building. It was Dinah's decision to get ride it. I just simply agreed. After waiting in line for a short while, we were put into a cart and halled off. After we turned down into the 'hallway' all kinds of objects and creatures came flying towards us. I love scary movies and anything to do with the paranormal so it didnt phase me that much but i cant say the same about Dinah. She was squeezing my hand so hard her knuckles were white and the same probably goes for my now aching hands. She more than likely seen the pain on my face because she loosened her grip on my hand and used her other hand to grab my shirt and hide her face in it. I couldn't help but smirk at her actions.

As the ride came to an end, we both jumped out of the cart we shared. Dinah still had her hand in mine.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Uh. Yeah." She replied.

"Okay. We'll eat. On me." I insisted. She agreed as we walked to the nearest food truck.
I ordered a slice of pizza and a bottle of water and she got the same. It totaled up to $11.48. Damn this fair food is expensive. I gave the cashier a 10 and a 5. He gave me $3.52 back. Me and Dinah thanked the man and went to turn around but not before Mr. Cashier sent a wink Dinahs way. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at his actions.

The Fair Dinah/You (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now