Chapter 19

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NOTE!!-Do you guys really like this book?
BTW the book is almost done just a few more chapters and BA BAM!!
Tori's P.O.V
*9 months later(AHHH!!!)

       Its been 9 months and my stomach is huge! I went to the doctors yesterday and Dr.Clearwater said that I could be due any time soon, I'm so excited about this.

        My parents had asked Xavier and I if we were going to involve our twins in the gang life, but I said no, because I didn't want them to have a life where they're always watching out for their lives. Xavier then said that we'll have to tell them at least when they're old enough, I just agreed to it.

      "So what are you naming the twins?"My mom asked, I was spending time with my mom and soon to be mother-in-law.(Xavier's Mom Janice)

      " about Damon and Stefan?!"I suggested, both of the mothers glared at me as I smile sheeply.

"Hon you are not naming our grandchildren after two fictional TV characters,"My mother said, Janice nodded in agreement, I huffed and maybe muttered a few 'polite' words.

"How bout-"I say but get cut off.

"You are also not naming them after you favorite brothers from the 'Supernatuals' show!"I sighed in defeat knowing I won't win this.

"How about Conner and Nicolas?"Janice suggested, I nodded.

"Okay that sounds-"My mom says, but stops when she sees the couch where I'm sitting at.

"What-"I look down and saw that I broke my water. SHIT.

"CALL XAVIER!!"I yelled.

~•In the car•~

"Come on Tori breath,"Xavier said, I glared at him but did as he told me.

"Shut the fuck up! and hurry before I deliver our twins in this black Porche!"I yelled, his eyes widen and sped down the road quickly.

       "AHHHH!! I'm never having sex with you EVER!"I yelled, causing Josh and Maddison snort in the back.

      "Maybe you should've wore protection,"Josh stated, then I heard an 'OW' I'm guessing Maddison slapped him on the back of his head.

At the hospital!!!

      When we arrived at the hospital, the nurses took me to a room and did their stuff. I'm currently in contraction, and this hurts like a bitch!

       A wave of contraction came over me making scream, groan, and moan.

       "Fuck you Xavier!"I yelled as ANOTHER comtraction came, I looked at Xavier and he looked at me with love in his eyes and a small smile.

        "You already did,"Josh said.

        "Shut the fuck up! before I cut your balls off and feed them to you forcefully."I  stated, as I looked at him he went paled and shut up.

        A doctor came in and sat in front of me.

       "Okay its time, I'm starting to see a head. Okay start pushing please,"The doctor said, I did as told.

      "Okay your doing great.....OKAY your first born,"The said as he passed over my first born to a nurse, I panted heavily as I smiled.

      "Okay come on you can do this just a couple of more..............AND your second new born,"The doctor stated again as she handed my second over the another nurse.

        "You did it,"Xavier said as he looked at me with passion and love, I smiled and began to close me eyes.

      "Go to sleep your tired,"Xavier stated, I nodded and let myself sleep.

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