An Encounter

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My alarm clocks starts to ring , my eyes starts to open slowly. My vision was blurry, but it slowly started to fade. I get up slowly to turn off my alarm , I walk over to my window and open the curtains. The light shines through my window, my eyes stung from the sunlight. I rolled over.

The morning birds ringed into my ears as I got up from my bed, I look into the mirror besides me. It only took a few seconds for my determination to rise, I whisper to myself, "I can do this".

I change into my uniform and grabbed a piece of bread for my breakfast. I slowly drop onto the chair and began eating.

Droplets of water fell onto the sink, one by one.
The sound of it felt extremely comforting, considering how quiet it is compared to the everyday taunts at school.

As I head out the door, I am greeted by Juro who is waiting outside. My eyes widened as I saw him, nervousness began to fill me. I gripped my bag tightly and looked down on my feet.

"Good morning Aiko !" Said Juro, I slowly looked up to him and did a tiny smile.

I locked my door and walked towards him, "g-good morning Juro."

I liked talking to Juro. At least He makes my morning less lonely.

Juro and I arrived to school, and as usual Juro gets surrounded by girls and his friends. As he gets dragged away. Juro looks at me and waves a goodbye, I do the same and begin to walk away.

While feeling melancholy, I walk to my locker and open it. Thumb tacks start to fall out. I stepped back a bit and stared at the thumb tacks.

I hesitantly look up and around only to see four girls laughing and staring at me. Of course I felt mad but as I stared at them , their smiles faded away.

I quickly changed my shoes and sped to class while hearing their distant laughters. I can't deal with this right now as I thought to myself.

As I walked, I felt a sudden stop as my face hit a soft wall. This caused my whole body to fall backwards, then I felt a sudden grab on my hand pull me in just in time.

I winced but slowly opened my eyes. I looked at their hands and slowly trailed up to their arm, neck then face only to realize it was a guy.

I felt a sudden chill, his eyes were extremely pretty but his whole aura screamed out delinquent.

When Our eyes met, his eyes pierced through mine. His hair was ruffled and black, his clothes were worn lazily almost as if he just got out of bed.

But have we ever had a student like him at school?

I trembled while waiting for him to let go. He pulled me back up, I slowly look back up at him only to see him glare at me.

"hey-", a husky voice swarmed through my ears .

I yelped and  yanked my hand out from his. I grabbed my bag and looked at him.

"So d-deep", I said loudly.

My eyes widened, slowly my face began to heat up. I smacked myself back into reality, he jumps from my sudden action.

I bowed my head, and yelled.


I began running to my class, as thoughts began stirring into my mind again. That was embarrassing, I can't believe this happened. I take very thing back, I can't do this!

I gasped for air as I finally arrived to my classroom, I take a deep breath and walk in.

I slid the door and as normal everyone stopped at their tracks and stared at me. I walked to my se and sat down.

The class started to buzz with different comments.

"hey did you see her bump into that guy this morning?"

"God she's annoying, she probably did that on purpose."

"Yea he seemed sooo pissed ahaHA"

"But he's honestly so good looking, maybe I should get his number"

"yeah he's a real looker!"

News travel faster than I expected...

Mr. Kano comes into the classroom and begins to tell everyone to get seated , "Good morning class! Today I have a special announcement!"

The class began to murmur, while the special announcement did pique my interest it wasn't enough to keep my mind off from what've happened this morning. I closed my eyes and shook my head, "how embarrassing" as I thought to myself.

"Today we have a new student, He recently moved here so be nice".

The classroom volume increased, Mr. Kano cleared his throat then turned to the door and mouthed "come on in".

As I watched with curiosity, my eyes started to widen and my stomach dropped. I couldn't believe it, It was the same guy from this morning, I began to blush in embarrassment and hid my face.

Just from him walking in, all the girls started to fawn over his looks.

I glanced out from my hands and saw him staring directly at me. I looked at the other direction to avoid looking at him. There is no way he does not remember me!

"So, introduce yourself to the class."

The transfer student let out an annoyed sigh, "Hello my name is Kohaku, I have recently moved. That's it".

A short talk like that still had all the girls fawning over him.

"Alright Kohaku, I will seat you ahhhhhh next to Aiko" said Mr. Kona.

I jump at the sound of my name and slowly look back up, Mr. Kona morning was pointing at me while Kohaku was walking over his way to me.

Our eyes met again but this time I didn't look away.

His eyes were more calm this time, almost mesmerizing.

It felt like the background noises were being drowned out as our eyes met, even if it was for a split second.

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