Your Character Ideas!

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    You read the title correctly. I am breaking the fourth wall to confirm this. Yes, you can be in the story. Just fill out the form that I will make, I will have an example of what Mine would look like! And yes, even if I have already started the story. And only if I haven't got too many forms filled out then they will be closed. On to the form:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Height (Ft.):
Ring Name:
(Optional) EX(s):
(Optional) Extra Info or Backstory: This is anything else that helps me see your character and helps me write about your character.

My form:
Name: Nicholas Roberts
Nickname: Nick, Fast, Nickel (is It cheesy?
Age: 16
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height (Ft.): 6 foot 4
Personality: very Outgoing, very Generous. Anger happens easily, can be romantic at times.
Ring Name: Alan Jones
Finisher: Fast Kick (Super Kick)
Friends: Seth, Sami, Finn, Kevin O. AJ and his Boays (If anyone gets that reference I like you) ((hint: Backstage Interview))
Enemy's/Haters: Roman, Alberto, or anyone who sides with my EX.
Crush/GF: BAYLEY!! (Sorry if I took your fav.)
EX(s): Paige. We hate each other. Despise to be exact. So much that when I enrolled, she requested no classes with me.
Useful Info/ Backstory: when I was at my old School, I was dating Paige, she convinced me and my family to enroll to WWE High. That backfired when she broke up with me over virtually nothing. So I have a bad-Ish impression over her friends. So I'm joining in my Sophomore Year for what could be a wild and bumpy ride.

Anyways! That's pretty much all there is. I didn't write as much, because I know myself. I will begin writing as soon as I get a decent amount of entries. If there is this chapter only, I haven't started writing the story yet. So put your character in if you want. I will put a thing at the bottom of this if I have or another quick "part". Hope you feel like becoming a part of this. Also, if you really really want, you could make me a cool cover. Credit will go to you. You will also be to lock a GF/BF wrestler. Otherwise, I'll have this bland and boring cover. Oh well I could make my own. I'll be picking random if there are multiple people wanting the same person. And Bayley is locked as well. Unless you are fine with breaking up with her in the first few chapters, to maybe move on to another person. Anyways, I will reply to your comment if that wrestler is taken. So have a couple in mind. I will see you later!


P.S: The Prologue will come out before Chapter 1. Just a heads up!

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