Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Danielle’s P.O.V

“Dani! Wake Up, were leaving in half an hour” Jaymi shouted. Ugh, I was too tired to wake up now, just five more minutes. I turned to one side and dragged myself out of bed. I quickly took a shower and pulled on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie. I tied my wet hair into a bun and pulled on my vans before heading downstairs. I only needed a small bag to carry my phone and iPod because everything I needed was back home, I brought mum’s suitcase with me, though.

I hopped out of the house and into the car. There were four of us crammed into the back of the car so I had to sit on Olly’s knee. I was relieved to get to the airport to get out of the squished car. I followed the boys through the airport, we skipped the part where you put your baggage through and we skipped security. “Umm, boys, what is going on?” I questioned nervously. “You’ll see” Jaymi winked. We came down to the gates and kept on walking outside.

We arrived in front of this tiny plane. I was totally confused. “Hop in” Olly ordered. I did as I was told. This small plane was luxury with comfortable leather seats, it hit me, and this was a private jet! This was crazy! I chose a seat and sat down and put on my seat belt. “Where are we flying to?” I mumbled. “Derry” Jaymi answered, perfect, I lived really close to Derry. I drifted off to sleep during the flight. I was awoken my Olly shaking my shoulders. I woke up almost straight away.

We rented a huge car and I directed Jaymi on how to get to my house. When we arrived back home, it felt so good to see my house again, I missed it so much. I unlocked the door and let the boys in “You guys can go explore, just don’t go into my room; you’ll know which one it is”. Sure enough, the first thing the boys did was run upstairs and into my room. This was going to be fun. I walked up to find them staring at themselves on my wall. I hung my head in shame. “You told us you weren’t a Jcat” Josh gasped. “I never said that, I just never answered you when you asked whether I was a Jcat or not” I grinned. “Damn, I’ve been out witted by a 14, year-old” Josh joked.

The boys brought their bags in and I went downstairs to ring Holly and Carly, I was dying to see them! I had texted them every once in a while when I was in the orphanage, they knew all about what happened. I rang Holly first.

Me: Yellow!

Holly: Green! Hey babe! How are you doing?

Me: I’m doing okay I suppose. Listen, my adopted parents have brought me home for a few days to get my stuff before heading back to England, can you come round mines now?

Holly: Yeah sure, I’ll leave the house now.

Me: I’m going to ring Carly as well

Holly: She is here with me actually so we will see you in five.

Me: bye, love yah!

I grabbed my laptop from upstairs and brought it down to the sitting room. The girls arrived. They rushed out of the car and into the door. “Bonjour Bitches!” I grinned. I was bombarded with hugs. “C’mon into the sitting room girls” I smiled. The boys had gone out exploring in search of some food, so I had the house to myself. It was so good to see the girls again. We just chatted and exchanged stories like old times. I took the girls up to my room and I gave them my Union J posters, some of my clothes and jewellery and things that I didn’t want to take to the UK.  We hung around and put on some music and just danced and sang like we belonged in a mental hospital. We agreed that I would go down to the stables tomorrow, that the three of us would get a lesson together, as long as it was okay with Mary.

It's Okay To Be Afraid, But It Will Never Be The Same (Adopted by Union J)Where stories live. Discover now