Chapter Three, ii.

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"Why are you still following me?!" Shoyo fumed in anger, but given how he was being stalked for the past few days, it was an understatement that he'd be displeased.

He had attempted to muster the deadliest glare that he could shoot at the other entity, but it proved to be a failure for it made no impact on the male.

"Can't I?" He simply grunted, and Shoyo almost groaned in frustration for what was like the hundredth time that same week.

"Of course, you can't! You've been following me around for days!"

As peculiar it may sound, it was no dramatic statement, but rather, he had said the truth; ever since that day where a confrontation had been carried out, the shorter male would find the other tailing him everywhere he goes ( to the library, the toilet even, and for a few times, he had to pretend that he isn't uncomfortable and that no one was watching him as he worked in his class. He might or might not have silently hoped that someone could point him out, then everyone actually could see him and then have their tutor escort him out of the class. Unfortunately, this wasn't always the case.

Yamaguchi didn't notice him neither did Tsukishima, and not even Yachi whom was one of the most creative people in class.

No one else saw him. )

No doubt, it would rub him off in a wrong way like any other ordinary person. Who wouldn't be put off if they were being stalked by some stranger, let alone a non-human? Fortunately, it would appear that the stalking was only applicable whenever he was in the university campus. The only time the male no longer tread on his heels would be when he exits the area and heads to a place elsewhere. To put it in a more simple way, he only followed him around within the university but never outside of the campus. It piqued his curiosity, intriguing him but nonetheless, Shoyo felt relieved by the fact that at the very least, he wasn't followed all the way home. That didn't make the situation any better though.

"Like seriously? You were already being a creep when youー!" His voice got louder, ready to scold the taller male even further but whatever words he wanted to spew died out and got caught up in his throat once he takes note of a female passerby briskly walking past him. He managed to capture the horrified look on her face when she saw him, and that itself was enough to make him know that, yes, she just witnessed the scene, and he couldn't but sheepishly rub at the back of his head and awkwardly smile at the retreating form of the girl.

He waited until she was gone, and after a few seconds of making sure no one else was around in the seemingly isolated hallway, he returned to glare at the taller male to which was gladly returned.

"Right. I forgot." Shoyo grimly said, "No one else can see you."

"No need to state the obvious, dumbass." The male snorted.

It wasn't long after that when Shoyo led them to a more secluded area where it was rarely used by any other people: the rooftop. The place was said to be haunted, and honestly although the idea of being in one terrified him, he's sure now that there was nothing else in the world that could ever beat the experience of meeting an actual entity from another world, whatmore that one time he was practically being stared down into the ground by one and turned him into dustー Shoyo shivered upon remembering it.

"Okay! Now that we're alone," Shoyo then turned, tapping his foot impatiently in expectation for answers. "Why were you stalking me?"

"Because I find it weirdー"

"You're the one being weird!"

"Shut up, let me finishー I mean it's strange that you can see me but not them."

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