I've always wished that one day I can have a smile on my face.. Just one day I would be the pretty for once. One day I wish I could see my dreams all come true but I guess I am unlucky for my whishes to come true. My name Is Avril and this is my life. I'm treated horribly everywhere I go. I always will be and have been treated badley. I have been physically abused and yet I still make myself brave enough and hide my feelings inside me. I have been doing this all my life, I have lost my older brother who cared for me when I was younger and know hes gone... After his death my life has been the worst feeling of my life. I have become more weaker and stressed out and I have been falling down a hole. I know recently have ashama and have trouble breathing after a while. I panic over small things which leads me to fainting and I have recently stopped eating properly. Yes my life has changed so much. Pains and stress and bruises and cuts have taken over my life. I have become annerxic know and if don't start eating then life for me will be gone. Which I want to happen but my amazing friend Laci has always been there for me, helped me out. Loved me for me and believes in me. We both have troubled a lot and yet we are fighting this pain... Tonight we have decided to run away, as far as we can.