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Harry's head is tilted to the side, eyes burning on the dark haired girl meters away. His back is pressed against the wall away from everybody else but that doesn't stop the crowd of drunken people from reaching out to him.

A pair of dainty hands claw at his chest and he looks down at the blonde woman with bland interest. Her lips are red and match her dress. He leans down to her with a kiss under her left ear. "Not right now," he whispers slowly before gently pushing her away so he can get a better view of where Astraya is.

Her head is up like she's searching for something. Maybe a rebound. He doesn't know how close she was with Liam, but Liam made it clear that she wants nothing to do with him anymore. His hand twitches in his pocket where the new prescription of painkillers is since Liam stressed so much to Joshua that she's been too paranoid.

He lifts an eyebrow in heavy curiosity when a black haired girl catches Astraya's hips from behind and pushes closer. As soon as they're face to face the girl kisses her. Harry smiles when Astraya puts her hands up in surprise before letting them land in the other girl's hair, fingers twirling and pulling at the strands tenderly. Both of their bodies move in sync and seem to glow under the neon lights of the club. His interest is only sparked further when the girl pushes Astraya hard against one of the walls, lowering herself from her towering height to sink her lips into the side of her neck.

He watches intently at Astraya's reaction. The way she drops her head onto the stranger's shoulder like she's exhausted. She might be since she's had more than two drinks. He decides to intrude when the girl begins to pull Astraya toward the empty hallway where the restrooms are, pushing aside swaying bodies until he's finally where they are.

His hand comes out to hers to pull her away from the other strikingly beautiful, definitely drunk girl. Her makeup is a little smeared but she still manages to look presentable. He looks over at Astraya whose free hand comes up to the side of her bleeding neck where her friend seemed to have pierced through way too much skin while kissing her.

Her eyes meet his and he's surprised when she doesn't cower away. The girl walks away in search of another hookup and he and Astraya are left standing in the middle of the club with their eyes narrowed.

"Liam called," he starts off by saying. He wants to tell her how nice she looks tonight but that would only spoil the mood.

She smiles a little and steps closer, leaning in until her lips brush the side of his face where he knows her lipstick will rub off. Slowly, she moves to his ear where she breathes out against him, hot breath almost making his thoughts run cold. "Fuck Liam."

He laughs and turns his head just to look back at her. The neon lights pass over her face and he swallows. Her eyes are wide and her lips are bitten red. They glisten with beer and gloss and it takes everything in him not to kiss her. It's all a principle, really. She's drunk and she hates him. She's drunk and Liam said they have a thing. She's drunk. "Fuck Liam?"

She smiles at this and digs her nails into his hand so he releases her. "Fuck you."


She's gone before he can even find the words for the last sentence. He watches her disappear in the crowd, watches as hands grab at her waist and her hips. After a moment's hesitation he follows her. Rubs the back of his neck and dives in.

She pushes past the front door and he's only seconds late in bursting through the door himself. His hot skin comes in contact with the very cold rain and he frowns as he pulls his body forward, head cocking to the side at the girl whose back is against the wall. Her hair is already soaked and curling up, some strands sticking to her face. "Hey." He's the first to say something.

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