You Are The Truth

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"Seriously, who are you?"

"I told you. I am the truth."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come with me."

I wasn't sure whether to trust him or not, but I wasn't doing much here anyway, so I followed him out the door.

"Where are we going?"

He wouldn't answer. We walked and walked through the town, out to the meadow and into the forest. After over two hours of silence, he finally spoke up.

"Have you ever riden a horse?"

"No, why do you ask?"

As soon as those words slipped from my mouth I saw them. The most beautiful horses I had ever seen in my life. I turn to Sam, but he's no where in site. Where did he go? Is this some funny prank?

"Sam! Sam! Is this a joke! Sam! This isn't funny! Sam! Red Sam! Red S-"

I stopped myself. Red Sam, like that Flyleaf song my friend showed me last year. I pulled out my phone and clicked on Simple MP3, and typed in Red Sam Flyleaf into the search bar. The forest was full of night sounds, crackling leaves, birds calling, but I still managed to hear the lyrics.

Here I stand, Empty hands, Wishing my wrists were bleeding, To stop the pain from the beatings,

There you stood, Holding me, Waiting for me to notice you, But who are you, You are the truth, Outscreaming these lies, You are the truth, Saving my life.

The music suddenly stopped and my phone went dead. Well isn't this great. I'm lost in the middle of the forest-

The lyrics! I strained to remember them. I am the truth. I'm living in a song right now. I am the truth. Red Sam is the Red Sam from the song.

The sudden whinny from the horses startled me. I forgot they were there. I got a closer look. One was black and one was white and the black one had a satchel on the side. I opened the satchel. Inside was a note:


You need to trust me on this one.

-Red Sam

How did Sam know my name? I must have told him at one point, though I don't remember it. I remembered when he asked me if I had ever ridden a horse, so I guess he was telling me to get on one. But which one?

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