chapter 3

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I guess I shouldn't make anymore promises. It's been two weeks since that big-eared nigga has peddled his way into my life and I haven't seen him or his crew since. Even when I went to the park that was in the neighborhood, I would never really see them. Maybe something happened and they weren't going to go there anymore. Maybe he told them about me and they decided that they didn't want to deal with me. That was a stupid thought, but it could happen. I don't put shit like that past anybody.

I did however get some good news. I got offered a job while I was at the park. I was babysitting a toddler. It wasn't legit but it wasn't bad. Kids were okay, I guess, so long as they weren't bad or worked my nerves to the core. But this little girl, Chloe, was awesome. She took to me very easily. She was actually the one that had approached me first. Her Frisbee got caught between the slits of the bench I was sitting on and I helped her get it out. Her parents came over and we started talking. The little girl's parents were nice, too, but I will note that they were an odd pair before I spoke to them. The woman, Kelly, looked young and was Japanese-American. The man, who goes by Clancy (his last name), was white and older looking, but you could tell that he was young at heart, and that he and his wife loved each other to bits. They wanted me to start today, which was where I was going.

While on my way to the Clancy residence, I couldn't help but remember what Kelly said, "I just want to let you know that we have a lot of random visitors that come in and out of the house, but it's nothing you need to worry about." At first, I was confused because I couldn't wrap my brain around the reason why they would allow so many people in and out of their home when they had a little three year old running around. You can't trust people now-a-days, but according to the Clancys, you can. I got off the bus and walked through the neighborhood, noting how things were a little more family friendly; it was a good place to raise kids. I stopped in front of the house and knocked; a few seconds later I heard the door open.

"Kori, welcome to our home!" I could practically hear the happiness is Clancy's voice. I gave a smile as I stepped into the house. It was nice, comfortable even. I quickly followed him into the kitchen where I saw Kelly on the phone. She beamed and waved at me before she went back to her seemingly important conversation. I stood at the island counter patiently. Clancy came back with a schedule. "Kelly and I have to be at a meeting that we're already going to be late for, so this is what we need you to do for Chloe." He handed me the paper.

" to eat. What does she like to eat?" I asked.

Kelly, who was now off the phone, chimed, "We usually get her McDonald's but she also likes the nuggets from Chick-fil-A." Just as she said this, Clancy came in with the adorable little girl that was present when I met them at the park. "Chloe, sweetie, you remember_"

"_Koko!" She shouted and ran up to me, hugging my bare legs. I smiled down at her and gave her a high five.

"What's up, Tweety?" Like I said, she was awesome, so she deserved a nickname. Though she wasn't a boy, she did remind me of the little yellow bird on Loony Tunes. I saw Kelly come and hug and kiss Chloe.

"Daddy and I will be back. You behave for Kori, okay?" Chloe nodded eagerly before she held out her hand for me to hold, which I took without hesitation. We watched the two of them exit the house then drive off down the street. I stared at Chloe and gave her a smile, one of which we returned.

"Well, Miss Thing, looks like we're on our way to the dentist." I grabbed her light jacket and then we too exited the house, walking towards the bus stop. I turned to her. "You ever rode the city bus, Kid?" That was her other nickname. She looked at me and shook her head.

"Is it scary?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Just think of it as a magical world." Her eyes got wide with wonder. I could tell I was going to love the little girl.

-after the errands-

Chloe and I got back to the house just a couple of hours before Clancy and Kelly returned. We watched cartoons and I played with her and her dolls. If I do say so myself, I think we had a pretty eventful day. When we heard the front door shut, Chloe ran out to see who it was. Of course it was Clancy and Kelly. Chloe jumped in her dad's arms and started babbling about how much fun she had with me today. She even talked about our interesting ride on the city bus. I wasn't kidding when I said that the bus was a magical place. There was stuff and people you'd never think to see on them. It was rather amusing.

I could tell that Chloe hadn't been out as much, but that's understandable because she was only three. She probably did see different people, considering the fact that her parents were managers, but that was probably it. I was slick jealous of her though. By the time she would be allowed to travel, she'll probably be able to go to all of these fancy places and foreign countries...something I'll never be able to do. Oh well, if one of us could do it, I would be glad if it was her. She could tell me all about it.

"Clancy! My nigga!" A loud, familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I walked around the corner to see that it was that big-eared nigga that was talking shit in front of my mailbox a couple of weeks ago. How does a guy like him know the Clancy family?

"Tyler!" Chloe threw herself out of her father's arms and right into the dude's legs. I'm guessing I should start calling him Tyler now. He and Clancy dapped each other and he gave Chloe and Kelly a hug before he allowed himself to stare at me for a while. He had a knowing smirk on his face.

"Well if it isn't my new friend. Long time, no fucking see, huh?" I rolled my eyes which made him start laughing. "Clancy how do you know her?" He turned to Clancy, who was about to speak, but I cut him off.

"How is that any of your business?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest. Kelly smiled a little, seemingly interested in the way I was challenging this if it's never been done before. It kind of worked because the dude, Tyler, looked taken aback for a second, then he just shrugged me off and started talking to Clancy, pulling the man farther into the house; out of sight and out of mind.

Chloe smiled up at me, holding my legs. "Why don't you like Tyler? He's fun!" She told me which put a confused look on my face.

Kelly laughed before she took her hand. "Kori doesn't know Tyler like you do, Chloe. Not yet, anyways." She then turned to look at me. "I hope you weren't taken off guard by him. Tyler is a little_"

"_in your business," I kind of laughed, "I know." I finished, nodding my head.

"You two have met before?" She asked.

"Something like that. I have to go Kelly. My mom needs me home." I heard Chloe pout and whine about how she wanted me to stay. "Don't worry; I'll be back first thing tomorrow." I promised her which made her smile. I waved goodbye to the two of them before I headed down the sidewalk. I was a little pissed off at the fact that I ran into this nigga again. Why was he at their house? How did he know them? These are questions I wanted answered, but I probably wouldn't get them. Not after the way I told him to butt out of my own business.

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I guess he was gonna be one of the many visitors popping up at the Clancy residence. Was I ready for this?

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