Wrong Era

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Do you ever just feel like you were born the wrong time, that you are meant to live in 1887? Do you ever feel like your supposed to die young? Do you ever want to live in fantasy worlds, go on adventures, learn to sword fight? Do you ever feel like your supposed to be in England?

Because I do. I feel all those things. All the time.

First of all, 1887. Reading TID, I feel like I'm meant to wear petticoats and broaches and pin my hair up gorgeously in perfect spirals. I feel compelled to ride carriages and speak like they do. I want to eat in a dining hall, not a kitchen. I want my life to be like - lets see - a female version of Will's? Fighting demons with parabati. Yes. Thats it.

That brings us to the dying young thing. Sometimes I'll just be standing and feel like my heart is going to stop and my life is going to be over in a matter of seconds. Creepy right.

Other times. I want to fight dragons and search for treasure like Bilbo (okay I hate the book the Hobbit - it goes on for eons - but Bilbo is pretty rad.) I want to hunt demons, protect humans, meet angels, date a vampire, battle villains, wear black gear, know how to wield a knife, be part of a rebellion, go into the Hunger Games, discover I'm a wizard, go to Camp Halfblood. I want an interesting life. I want to do more but learn and work to death. What's the point of it all. I was born into the wrong universe. I despise our ways of living - everyday blends into the next.

And then there's England. I just have always love England.

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