I love it, the freeness of the air in between my feathers as I glide threw the humid and warm air of Florida, I've never felt so alive...
My name is Cedric and I'm a Mime, meaning that I can take form of any animal or person I want.
I know that it sounds crazy and retarded, but it's true I can do it. I live with my father Chief Jackson and the rest of the tribe in the countryside, we are about thirty-seven people, we are all Mimes and that's how it is and how it will be. There are more than just Mimes, sadly, there's Transparents: they can become invisible, Kinetics, and Banchies: witches of death.I've lived on this world for seventyfive years but have the appearance of a sixteen year old, if you think thats impressive listen to this, my dad is hundred and twenty one years old and has the apearence of a twentiefive year old so yeah, it's kind of awkward.
Don't picture my tribe as a bunch of tents and crops, well crops yeah but no tents. We live in a community of fifteen houses, pointing out the fact that almost all of us have found a mate or partner to live with, the houses our a really descent size, some people can even say that they're mansions of some sort, our houses are layed out in a huge circle with the space of fifty square meters , in the middle are the crops taking a space of fifteen-twenty meters with corn, weat,pumpkins you name it, and counting the things we grow in our back yard so we have a lot to pass around.
In the community we are all vegans you know the shape shifting gave us some time to think about the pain other animals go threw, the bad thing about having big crops is that we always get jacked, probobaly by Transparents.
I try to ignore that having twenty-five more years until I need to become the Head of the tribe and my dad needs to retire...
RomanceLove the feeling of my wings being carried by the air, and my heart being pulled by faith in a new world to explore and my form changing into anything I want , but with it still being me....