Chapter 5

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He blinks at least five times to register my one-worded answer.


"No. I'm sure you know what that means."

Now he looks dumbfounded.

"But I haven't even finished my sen-"

"I don't care what you have to ask me. The answer is no either way."

He begins to stutter his intentions, but I continue.

"You are a painfully obvious individual. Apparently, you haven't noticed how I caught you eyeing me like a damn toy or the fact that you invaded my personal space the other day. If this is your method of gaining a new friend, I suggest you go and try that at the bar across the street."

"Now wait a minute--" he starts. I cut him off once again.

"I don't appreciate you waving your charm and tips in the air as if it'll impress me. So I'm not accepting whatever the hell it is you have to say!"

The man goes silent. A few of the customers turn and glance oddly at the scene, including Lucille, who just walked into the diner a few minutes ago. She raises an eyebrow, then after noticing the man I'm faced in front of, she smirks.

My face flushes as I pause to take in my actions. The customers have returned to their own business, but I'm still embarrassed at the scene I just made. I straighten up, clear my throat, and look hard at the man.


I start to walk off, but before I can make a 100% successful heel-turn, a hand reaches up and gently grasps my wrist. A slight gasp escapes my mouth and I look back at the intruding stranger with daggers in my eyes.

But he doesn't flinch.

"I came to apologize for that. Really." His voice is lower now.

I scoff. "And you think I believe you?" I ask in an equally low, but unwavering tone.

The man is silent for a moment, then speaks again.

"Yes...?"He asks shyly and then notices my unamused look. "Oh, c'mon, give me a break here. I'm sure much lesser dudes have done and said the same thing. Is it wrong for me to appreciate what the hell I see?"

He doesn't know how badly I want to suplex his ass to the table behind me. 

"You motherfuck--it's wrong in every way! Don't you have any respect for women?"

I don't miss the sudden shift in his appearance. His jaw hardens, and his eyes bore into mine. It's almost frightening. The air is so tense now; I'm surprised no one is noticing the discomfort.

"You really want an answer to that, baby girl?"

That's when Lucille jumps into the circle of chaos. I almost lose my balance as she pushes her large bust against me to get my attention.

"Vonniiiiiii what's happening?"

"Nothing Lu! What're you doing?"

She taps my nose and giggles. "Trying to see what the problem is here before you hear from the cranky frog at the back."

I look back towards the counter and see that Gavina is indeed staring in our direction suspiciously. I suck my teeth and turn back, calming myself down.

Lucille turns to the man and smiles.

"And who's this handsome devil he--?"

The man is obviously bewildered at Lucille's sudden approach, but not as bewildered as she is. Her eyes are as wide as saucers.

Cherry (REWRITE IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now