Chapter 2:Survival

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As Kaiurn finished packing up the last of the contents in his backpack, Kaiurn decided to find a place to sleep for the night, as it was already almost dark. As Kaiurn started paying more attention to his surroundings he noticed dead silence, dead silence was rare. Kaiurn kept on walking slowly at first, then got lost in his thoughts. He began to wander, as his brain was occupied with thoughts, how tired he was, what happened to his family, what were those things and most importantly how much longer until he could find civilzation, and he thought of the screams of his fellow guard. Kaiurn instantly realized he let his mind wander, and he had been walking for 2 terran hours. It became dark, quick. Kaiurn knew that he had to find some kind of shelter or he could get no sleep, no sleep equals no strength, no strength is no chance of survival. And finnaly Kaiurn noticed a hole in the mountains about 50 feet from him, he was amazed that he was oblivious to it for so long. Kaiurn starts fast walking to the cave entrance as it was his only chance of survival, and as he walked into the cave there was a flash, a flash of incredible speed. Kaiurn thought he was just Hallucinating, but after a few more moments there was a slight growl, then as time ticked away it grew louder and louder. Until he saw it, it must be some kind of monster he thought, some kind of predator, and he was partially correct. Kaiurn yanked his back pack off and grabbed his LasGun, Kaiurn aimed it at the things head, and steadied his hand enough to be able to get off a reliable shoot, but something was wrong. There was something else in the cave. As the other things started galloping out of the deep parts of the cave he could see dozens of things,more kept on puring out of the cave until there was an army of these monsters right in front of him. He then started to realize that these were the invaders, Kaiurn began shaking with a uncontrolable amount of rage,fear, and primal senses. Kaiurn took a  shot at the first thing, the monster began to tremble and then began to erupt with blue liquid, then Kaiurn probably did one of the stupidst things he had ever done, he fired  a total of 79 shots, almost none of them hitting there targets, then was the first time he experienced how fast the things are. Kaiurn began sprinting into the darkness, some kind of primal fear made him the fastest he had been all of his life, Kaiurn sprinted for a solid 20 minutes only to find out that the monsters had stopped pursueing him after 20 feet, then he realized what happened, those were babies, those monsters that could have easily ripped him apart limb by limb and then devoured him were just Babys, and then he realized where there are babys, there are ussually moms. The thought of those things 10 times bigger than they already are scared him to the point of hysteria, yet after 3 hours of sprinting Kaiurn passed out from simple exhaustion. The 13 hours of sleep after this were pure heaven for Kaiurn, as when Kaiurn woke up it was the most refreshed he had ever been, until he remembered the events of the last day and a half.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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