Chapter 1

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Cheap Thrills by Sia starts playing. my alarm clock. I hit the snooze button and roll myself out of bed. first day of Highschool, and first day of the rest of my life... I go over to my closet and put on a blue and white gradient sports top with the number "7" on it, in memory of Bubba, black skinny jeans, and high top white vans. after that I walk downstairs and get breakfast, of course I was the first person up. always was, I go to the kitchen and get out a banana and strawberry smoothie I had made the previous night, and made myself toast with cinnamon butter. while I ate, I took a selfie and posted it on Instagram with the caption "First day of Highschool!! 😜" seconds after, I got comments saying things like, "have fun!" "good luck! 💜" and "😍" I smile and finish eating.
once I got to school, I look at my schedule, my locker number was 138. I walk to my locker and put in my combo, 15-23-20, and then grab my stuff and put my bag in my locker. when I close my locker, a guy says.
"hey, new girl?" I look over at the boy, he has lightish-brown hair and dark brown eyes. lemme just say he was HOT and I wasn't just saying that to say it. he was hot AF.
"y-yeah." I say, blushing, "I did online school 3rd grade through 8th grade" I say, looking down at the floor, when I noticed he was wearing grey and neon green nikes.
"what's 1st period?" he asks. I hesitate looking at my schedule then say,
"math" and then sigh, although math was a subject for me, i wasn't really into math that much. I was good at it but I didn't particularly like math.
"same, I'll walk you there" he says, putting a smirk on his face. "the names Mark, by the way, yours?" he asks, turning around to start walking, and I walk next to him of course. "Julianna, everybody calls me Annie though" I say, looking at the ground. Mark was taller than me, by a few good inches.
"nice name" he says, smiling.

once we get to math we take a seat next to each other and the teacher starts talking about her summer and takes attendance and jazz and then starts rambling on about plots on a line graph and how you can use the rate of change to find the equation for a graph, things I learned last year. i sigh, this was going to be a long year.

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