thoughts 1

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Writing gets you out of the mess of a world we live in. It takes you somewhere else and lets you ,ake up what ever kind of story you want too. It lets you pretend to live a life you wish you had or make up a life you wish you could. It helps you. It truly does. These are just my thoughts. My annoying thoughts that roam around in my head that make no sense to me whatsoever. Thiughts that should be written down. Not so people can read them, but so people can see what other people think about. Everyone has thoughts in their heads.

Love. Why do we love? I mean when you love you get heartbroken right? When you love you are setting yourself up for pain and sorrow. Why do that to yourself? Love never lasts forever. I see it in my parents eyes. A couple years ago you would have thought they were inceprable. Now they practically do anything they can to avoid each other. That taught me the most about love. Movies did too. In every movie, the person they love lets them down. Why? Why put that in a movie to advertise that love does that? To make people not want to love? Why not make a movie where they dont let each other down? They show the amount of love they have for each other truthfully. i get movies are about veiws, but all love storys are the same. They end the same and start the same and get in a fight in bewteen. Thats boring. True love might have fights but not everyone screws up like that. Im scared to love.

Im scared to love anyone. Once you love it takes over you. Imagine losing one of your paresnt that you love so much. It would tear you apart right? Why does love seem to hurt so much? It doesnt make since to me. Love shouldnt do that to you. It shouldnt eat you away when it has too. It should make you feel happy inside. Im no expert on love, for i have never loved someone, but i do reconize love and someone who wants love.

Love makes people hate other people but it shouldnt do that. It should make them love other people because they have something everyone is dying for, which is love.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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