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A few months past Abi & Eoghan were going out, they had been for a good few months now. One morning Abi was looking through Twitter and came across an account of someone who also liked Taken, that was Fiona or @FionaFromTaken online. Abi got in contact with Fiona and stated talking, she also mentioned Eoghan and about them going out. They talked about Abi's relationship all the time and one evening Fiona mentioned how she kinda liked Ste. Abi found out that Fiona was going to the same Taken concert as her so they decided to meet up and try and meet Taken after, there was a high chance of this happening cause of Eoghan.

It came to the day of the concert and Abi  and Fiona had met up. They talked about Eoghan and Ste while queuing. It soon came to the time where the concert started and Taken were walking out on stage. Eoghan came out and walked straight over to Abi and held her hand, kissing her on the forehead. She whispered "Tell Ste that my friend Fiona here likes him". While Richie was talking, Eoghan shuffled over and nudged Ste, "Ste, Abi told me to tell you her friend Fiona likes you". Ste had a shocked face but soon grew a cheeky grin. During their cover of 'Stressed Out' by Twenty Øne Piløts, Ste walked over the side of the stage where Abi and Fiona were standing. He stood there and looked at Fiona straight in the eyes, smiled and bent down, he whispered "After the show you and Abi come back stage and we'll go out somewhere, cool?". Fiona nodded with an extremely excited facial expression.

The show had ended and Abi & Fiona went back stage, Abi kissed Eoghan and turned to Fiona, "Umm Fiona, at the start of the show I told Eoghan to tell Ste you liked him" Abi said quietly... "WHAT" Fiona shouted slowly turning red with embarrassment . Ste came over and hugged her trying to calm her down and let her know it was ok. "You're a really pretty girl and you seem really nice from what I've heard before, maybe we should go out tomorrow night and get to know each other" Ste said with a calming voice, "umm ye ok sure see you tomorrow" Fiona whispered.

It came to the next night and Fiona was going out to dinner with Ste. She wore a pair of black ripped high waisted shorts with a baggy 5SOS t-shirt tucked in with Black high top converse, Ste had on some ripped blue jeans with a plain black baggy tshirt and come black high top vans. They sat and got to know each other, exchanging phone numbers and following each other on social medias. Dinner came to an end and they decided to go out to a bar and have a few drinks. It got later and later, shots after shots and multiple pints of beer later they decided to leave and go back to Fiona's house, while walking out of the bar Ste out his hand of Fiona's back, slowly moving his hand down until it was on her butt, Fiona let it slide since they were both pretty drunk and they finally crashed at Fiona's. They ran into her soon and slammed the door shut, he kissed her and they fell onto the bed not stopping. They both started to get undressed and things became more sexual, getting under the covers and.....

The morning soon came and they both had the worst hangover ever. They looked at each other and smiled, "I guess there's something between us eh" said Ste giggling after. "I guess there is" said Fiona with a groggy voice. They kissed again and snuggled into each other. It was around 1pm and Ste went home, the first thing she did was text Abi and tell her everything that happened. Fiona got ready and Abi came straight over. "It was a good thing I told Eoghan after all them" said Abi like she had a point to prove. Fiona smiled and hugged Abi really tight, "Thank you" she said "If you didn't do that I would probably of never even talked to Ste", "You're welcome haha" Abi said while laughing. "Now I have to go but make sure you stay in touch with Ste alright he seems to make you very happy and I hope you two become official", "We'll defiantly stay in touch and I don't think it'll be long till we're official haha"

*In Fiona's head* I really do like him I've only known him a couple days... Well properly a couple days and we've already done all this, its like though I've gotta stop doubting myself with these things, he really was into me!

*text from Ste* Heyy Fiona, last night was amazing, hope we can meet up again very soon and become good friends all the love Ste xxx
Fiona replied with 'Yes, we should definitely meet up again and I'm sure we'll be friends we seem to get along well lol, see you soon xx'

Time went fast and it was already 10pm, Fiona decided to go to bed even though she couldn't sleep, she knew she forgot to do something but she didn't know what... SHE FORGOT TO TEXT ASHLING!!! Fiona shot up from her bed and grabbed her phone and texted Ashling 'Yoooo fam so I went to that Taken concert with Abi and you know she's going out with Eoghan well she hooked me up with Ste and we went out for dinner and drinks and came back to mine and well ye something happened 😏', it wasn't even 30 seconds later and Ashling had already replied 'NO WAY OMG CONGRATS IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU I KNOW JUST HOW MUCH YOU LIKED HIM... I've been non stop tweeting Richie and I know I should stop but I can't I love him too much ughhhh' Fiona laughed and replied with 'Oi nah you're coming to the next Taken concert aren't you, I don't care what you say I'm gonna try and get you and Richie together, so we can all date Taken, you, me & Abi'. Ashling said 'YES FAMMMM' and they both ended up falling asleep, Fiona was happier than ever and this was the next two nights of her life.

Sorry this is sooooo long I just kept coming up with new ideas as I went along and added them in so ye now is rlly long but oh well hope u enjoyed next chapter me & Richie.

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